Chapter eight

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Finally dinner is finished, and I couldn't be more happy about it being over.

My dad is discussing something with ward in the main hallway, me and Sarah not far away from them chatting about making plans to go to the main island to do some shopping and get lunch.

"Where's my invite?" Rafe asks sarcastically as he approaches us. Sarah rolls her eyes at him, "as if" she says back to him.

"I bet Annie wouldn't mind" he says, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, his hard chest against my back.

I chuckle, "not really your thing" I say back to him. He leans his head down by my ear and leaves a couple small kisses on my neck.

"Like I'd miss seeing you get all dressed up in pretty clothes all day" he whispers in my ear, making me smile a little.

"Ugh you two are gross" Sarah groans and walks into the living room, leaving me and rafe in the hallway, our dads a little further down than us.

I turn around, but he still keeps his arms around me, so I'm pretty close to him.

"I need to go" I say to him, as I put my hand on his toned upper arm and caressing it gently with my thumb.

"Just stay over tonight" he says to me.

To be honest I can't really be bothered dealing with his snarky attitude all night, especially after what he was like at dinner, but the look on his face is telling me that he isn't really going to give me a choice.

He must be able to tell I'm pretty hesitant about it, so he holds me a little tighter and pulls me closer to him, our bodies almost touching.

"Come on baby, I'll even watch one of those shitty movies you like with you" he says, smiling down at me.

I smile a little when he says this, then let out a sigh.

"Fine... but if you start acting like a dick, I'll leave" I say to him smiling.

"I never act like a dick" he says in a playfully sarcastic way, making me laugh.

"Shut up" I say, he smiles cheekily and leans down closer to my face again.

"Oh you're telling me to shut up now? Weren't you the one who couldn't keep their mouth shut the other night in my bed?" He whispers in my ear.

My face goes red and I gently slap his arm, making him laugh loudly and grin.

"I'm pretty sure I had to cover your mouth with my hand just to keep you quiet" he whispers to me again, making my eyes widen and my face grow hotter.

"You're an asshole" I mumble to him, making him laugh harder.

"Yeah... an asshole you couldn't stop moaning for" he whispers teasingly, making my face only get hotter from embarrassment.

He grins and brings his hand up to my face, caressing my cheek with him thumb, "aww don't get embarrassed baby, it was really sexy" he whispers teasingly to me.

I roll my eyes and nudge him away from me gently. "I need to go tell my dad I'm staying here" I say, then walk over to ward and my father, rafe following behind me.

"Dad I'm just going to stay here tonight" I say to my dad then look at ward next to him and smile politely, "only if that's okay with you sir" I say to ward now.

Ward chuckles, "don't worry sweetheart, you're always welcome here" he says smiling back at me.

"Thank you" I say smiling, "I'm going to head home, have fun honey" my dad says to me, then gives me a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Bye dad" I say, "goodbye mr Perez, it was lovely to see you as always" rafe says from behind me. He's using his fake polite voice while talking to my dad, making me cringe.

My dad shakes rafes hand and smiles at him, "you too son, I'll see you soon" my dad says to rafe, Rafe smiles back at him and nods his head.


"Can I borrow something to sleep in?" I say as me and rafe enter his bedroom.

"Of course baby" he says sweetly to me, walking over to his dresser and pulls out a navy blue T-shirt and a pair of Calvin Klein boxers, chucking them onto the bed.

I give him a smile then grab them and walk to his en suite bathroom to change and get ready for bed.

I take off my dress, underwear and bra, then pull on rafes shirt and boxers.

I brush my hair out and wash off the little makeup I had on, applying some moisturiser and lip balm.

I'm very thankful I accidentally left some of my own skincare items here, I'd hate to have to use whatever men use to clean themselves.

Once I'm done I walk out of his bathroom and see rafes sitting on the bed, his back against the headboard, doing something on his phone.

He's changed into a plain white T-shirt and is wearing a pair of black boxers.

When I walk out the bathroom he looks up at me and smiles, "you look cute in my clothes" he says, his eyes roaming over me.

I chuckle and sit down on the bed next to him, "I wear your clothes all the time when I stay over" I say.

"Yeah, and you look hot every time" he says, moving his body a little so he's facing me more now.

I laugh and prop up a pillow behind my back and pull the covers over the bottom of our bodies.

"I haven't forgotten about you saying that the movie choice was mines tonight, I'm taking full advantage of that" I say to him, he groans and passes me the tv remote.

"I only said that so you'd get into bed with me" he says playfully, making me laugh and nudge him with my elbow.

"Well I'm taking the offer very literally" I say smiling, turning on the large flatscreen tv that sits on his wall across from his bed with the remote.

"What about this one?" I say, clicking on a cheesy romance from the late 90s, he groans loudly and turns his head to look at me.

"You're kidding me right?" He says, I smile and shake my head. "Nope, we are watching it" I say smugly and click on the movie.


The credits roll and the movie finishes, low and behold, rafe spoke through the entire thing.

"Wait so, she was fine with the fact that he was being paid to take her out?" He says, I sigh and nod.

"Yeah because he actually ended up falling in love with her" I say back to him, making him sit up a bit in the bed and look at me.

"But she's going away to college at the other side of the country, it won't even last" he says in confusion. I groan and lean my head back against the headboard.

"Stop ruining it for me, it's meant to be unrealistic, it's a movie" I say to him.

"Yeah and it was shit, didn't even make any sense" he says, making me roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Don't lie, you liked it" I say, turning my head to look at him, while grinning.

"I did not" he says, very obvious lying, making me giggle.

"Mhm sure" I say and smile.

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