Chapter five

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The party is moving on swiftly, me and Sarah basically joined at the hip even if we are talking to different people.

I notice the time is now 11pm and still no sign of rafe, but these worries are quickly pushed to the back of my mind as Sarah holds another shot in front of my face.

"You know you want too" she says teasingly, making me roll my eyes playfully at her. I take the shot from her hand and we both swing our heads back, taking another shot each.

I groan immediately and my face scrunches up, "that gets worse every time" I say, my throat on fire.

"But it's soooo worth it" she says drunkly, making me laugh.

The past hour or so, I've been talking on and off to John b and jj, but they seem to know a lot of people here so it's hard to keep their attention, but I don't mind, I'm in the same boat.


Me and Sarah are in the living room now, surrounded by people dancing, music blaring even louder than it is anywhere else in the house.

I'm at a good level of drunk to want to dance now, so I take Sarah's hand and begin to dance around with her.

We've both got drunken smiles plastered on our faces as we dance with each other, I spin her around and we feel the confidence from intoxication.

I notice Sarah's eyes dart over my shoulder and she leans in closer to me, "dickhead is here" she whispers.

I know immediately who she means and I turn around to see rafe walking towards the living room with kelce, a drink in each of their hands.

He spots me and whispers something to kelce making him nod and walk off somewhere else, then walking over to me.

"Hey baby" he says smirking at me, his voice slurring a little. I notice as he gets closer to me that his eyes are bloodshot and his pupils are dilated.

"Hey, where you been?" I ask him with a small smile. "don't worry about it" he replies, his hands reaching for my waist.

"Enjoying yourself?" He says looking down at me as his thumb caresses my waist.

"Mhm it's been good so far, I missed you though" I say smiling drunkly at him.

He continues to smirk but I notice something about his expression slightly change as leans down a little closer to my face.

"I saw that pouge jj and his asshole friend here... you been speaking to them baby?" He whispers to me, in a condescending tone.

"John b isn't an asshole" i say rolling my eyes. "So you did speak to them?" He says quietly to me, still with that stupid mocking smirk on his face.

"So want if I did rafe?" I say, feeling myself get irritated by his attitude already.

He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear then leans his head down closer to the side of my face.

"I know it may be hard for you to not seek attention from other boys like the little whore that you are, but I don't want to see you talk to them again tonight" he whispers in my ear, his words dripping with mockery and smugness.

I feel my face flush and my stomach twisting in knots when he calls me this and then tells me to not talk to my own friends.

"Rafe i-" I begin to explain, "isn't up for discussion sweetheart" he says bluntly.

I sigh and look up at him, "alright whatever" I say, giving up on trying to even attempt to argue with him.

He grins at me, "good girl" he says, then takes his hands off of my waist.

"I gotta go deal with some stuff, I'll see you soon" he says, before I can even ask any questions, he's already walking away, leaving me puzzled.


It feels like a while now since I've seen rafe here at all, I haven't spotted him in the kitchen or the living room, which I find a little odd.

I see topper walk down the stairs, his eyes wide and he's rubbing his nose. When he gets down the stairs I walk over to him.

"Hey top, have you seen rafe?" I say to him, he blinks a few times, staring at me like a deer caught in headlights.

"Uh... he's on the balcony" he says, sniffling a couple times, i furrow my brows a little in confusion, why would he be up there?

"What? Why is he on the balcony?" I say in confusion.

He stares at me, I notice his pupils are enlarged and his eyes are bloodshot.

"Uhh.. there's like... loads of people up there, but maybe you... uh.... should stay down here" he says, I notice the fast pace he's speaking, it's like his words are coming out at one million miles per hour.

I furrow my brows a little more and it takes me a second to even comprehend what he's saying. "Why not?" I ask In annoyance.

He stares at me, still with that startled look on his face. "Just don't, it's not your type of scene" he warns me.

I know he's high, and I know that's probably something to do with the reason he doesn't want me to go up there, but my curiosity gets the best of me.

I walk around him and begin to walk up the stairs, making my way to his large balcony, Topper groans and follows behind me.

I slide the glass doors open and walk out, seeing a fair amount of people sitting around a patio table, bags of cocaine and stacks of cash scattered over it.

I see rafe sat down cutting up lines on a plate, kelce next to him on one side, then some blonde girl on his other, I notice she's basically clinging on to his arm.

"Rafe?" I say, trying to get his attention, his head snaps up and he looks at me, I see his face hardening when he sees me.

"what you doing up here?" He asks, his voice stern and cold, the blonde girl next to him giving me a dirty look.

Topper shows up behind me, but he's a little too late to have stopped me.

"I came to check on you but it seems you're a little busy" i say sarcastically to rafe, he rolls his eyes and puts a rolled up bill to his nose and sniffs up a line from the plate in his hand.

"Annie get out of here if you're going to be an annoying little bitch" he says to me after taking his line, gaining some laughs from a few people around him.

"Jesus man" topper says to rafe, obviously a little taken aback from the way he's talking to me in front of people.

"What? She's being a fucking bitch" he says back to topper, making kelce laugh and the girl next to him giggle.

I feel my cheeks get red and Topper looks at me, giving me a sympathetic look. I can barley look at him out of embarrassment.

I turn around and quickly make my way back inside, walking down the stairs.

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