Chapter sixteen

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The bonfire pt

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The bonfire pt.1

"No you're not wearing that" I hear rafe grumble from behind me, watching me from the mirror in front of me.

I sigh and look at my outfit for tonight, a simple pair of denim shorts and a navy blue halter crop top.

"What's wrong with it?" I ask nervously as I pull my top down slightly, trying to cover my stomach.

He comes up right behind me, wrapping his arms around the back of my waist. "You look like a whore baby... do you want to look like a whore?" He says in my ear, his voice low and condescending.

I feel an uneasy twist in my stomach and my face heat up in humiliation. "No" I mumble weakly.

"Good girl" he murmurs smugly.

I feel him pulling his hands away from me, leaving a slap on my ass and walking off towards his closest.

I close my eyes and take a deep inhale through my nose, trying to calm my growing irritation and nerves.

"Here" i hear from behind me, I turn around and rafe tosses me a one of his shirts.

I hold it out in front of me and furrow my brows, pursing my lips as my eyes scan over it.

"I'm not wearing your clothes while we're out" I mumble as I look at the navy blue striped T-shirt in my hands.

"Put it on or you're not going... you're lucky I'm even letting you go at all" he snaps at me, a mix of jealousy and frustration showing on his face.

"Alright" i mutter, admitting defeat.

I'm really starting to regret my decision on agreeing to spend time with rafe at the bonfire tonight.


"Nice outfit dude" Sarah snickers at me as she sees me and rafe walk down the stairs.

I pout and point at rafe from behind him, signalling that it was his outfit choice, not mines.

She rolls hers eyes at him and shakes her head. "asshole" she mutters to herself, making rafe snap his head towards her, then at me behind him.

I shrug at him, pretending like I don't know what she's talking about.

He narrows his eyes at me and grabs my wrist, pulling me towards the front door.

"Have fun" Sarah shouts as rafe tugs me out of the house.


"Whats up Annie" I hear topper say as he climbs in the back of rafes car, I turn around and give him a small smile.

I open my mouth to reply to him but before I can, rafe interrupts any conversation I was about to engage in with topper.

I sigh and turn back around in my seat, leaning my head back on the headrest and closing my eyes for a moment.

Soon enough rafe pulls his car up just around the corner from the bonfire. I can already hear the booming music and loud sounds of people as rafe parks.

I get out and walk next to the two boys, making our way over to the crowded area of people surrounding a large bonfire.

We walk over to a cooler on the ground, each of us picking up a beer and cracking them open.

Foaming beer spills over the edge of my can, trickling down my hand. I quickly bring my mouth to the drink trying to sip up the overflowing beverage.

Topper laughs at me struggling to slurp up the beer, making me chuckle too, liquid slipping down my lips and chin.

I pull my face away making rafe bring his hand up to my chin, wiping up the beer on my lips with his thumb, an unamused look on his face.


I'm around four drinks in now, making my experience a little more enjoyable, and thankfully, also making rafes presence a little more enjoyable too.

His arms are hanging over my shoulders from behind me, basically keeping ahold of me incase I try wondering off to speak to any of my friends.

As rafe talks to kelce and topper who are standing in front of us, I see a recognisable van pull up across the crowd.

I feel a nervous heat rush over my body, knowing that wherever the Twinkie is, John b and jj are.

I so badly want to go over and speak to them, but I'm quite literally being held back from going anywhere right now.

I feel rafes arms pull me in so his body is fully against me from behind, "don't you dare even think about it" he whispers demandingly in my ear.

I feel as though the blood has been drained from my face as I nervously shuffle on my feet.

The last thing I want is rafe starting something with jj, let alone even be in the same proximity as each other.

"I won't" I mumble back, tapping the beer in my hand with my finger.

He leans his face around me and kisses my cheek, holding me possessively in his arms.

I begin to calm down slightly, until panic comes back stronger than ever, completely overwhelming me as I see jj and John b spot me through the crowd. Looking like they're making the way over here.

(Pt.2 will be out soon! <3)

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