Chapter twenty-one

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The growing tension between me and Rafe has now caught the attention of everyone at the table, all eyes shifting between me and him awkwardly

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The growing tension between me and Rafe has
now caught the attention of everyone at the table, all eyes shifting between me and him awkwardly.

"You... spoke to him?" He questions me coldly, his darkened eyes staring daggers at me as the muscles in his jaw twitch in rage.

My face is burning in embarrassment at the fact he's doing this right here, right in front of my own dad and ward.

To make matters worse, I know Ward would probably defend Rafe for literal murder if he had to, so I'm most likely coming out of this as the bad guy if it escalates.

"Rafe not right now" I reply to him in a hushed tone, too nervous to meet his angry gaze.

He widens his eyes at me trying to brush him off and chuckles dryly, squeezing the wooden arm rests of his chair tightly.

"What is going on son?" Ward says in a soft tone to Rafe.

He runs his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath, noticeably trying to keep his emotions in check in front of everyone.

He glares at me hatefully before looking over at his dad "nothing, just a misunderstanding that's all" he says through gritted teeth, trying his hardest to fake a tight smile.

I look at Sarah besides me who's giving me a worried look, clearly noticing Rafe is about to literally explode any minute.

Ward and my dad exchange a quick glance while rose just looks between me and Rafe, an unreadable expression on her face.

The table sits in an uncomfortable silence for a moment longer before ward begins to speak to my dad like nothing happened.

And just like that... nobody cares.

I really should be glad that nobody tried to ask any more questions about the situation, but at the same time, it stung a little that not one person tried to come to my defence.

Not even my own dad.

I swear everyone wears rose-coloured glasses around Rafe except me.

"I hope you're happy, because I'm going to fucking kill him" I hear Rafe whisper in my ear, a venomous, taunting tone to his voice.

Goosebumps trail over the skin where I felt his warm breath hit when he whispered to me, causing an unsettling chill to run down my spine.

I quickly stand up from my seat, causing everyone to look at me once again.

"Bathroom- I'm uh... going to the bathroom" I mumble nervously before I rush away from the table and inside of the club, feeling as if my legs are turning into jelly as I move.

I make my way into the large restroom, my trembling hands gripping the sink for stability, taking shaky uneven breaths as I try to calm myself down.

"Running away so soon baby?" I hear from behind me, making me jump and turn around, only to be faced with Rafe.

"Rafe I-" I begin to stammer out, before he grabs my face with his hand, digging his fingers into my cheeks roughly.

I wince and my eyes begin to feel glassy as they fill with tears, threatening to fall any second.

"What's the matter? You gonna cry sweetheart?" he says patronisingly, a dark smirk on his lips.

"Rafe please, I'm sorry" I whimper, holding his wrist that's up by my face with my jittery hand.

His eyes narrow, staring into mines darkly. "Do you have any fucking idea what you're doing to me?" He hisses, his grip becoming tighter on my face.

A single tear slips down my cheek as I try to blink through the glossiness of my eyes.

"You're pathetic, do you know that?" He sneers. All I do is nod, trying to stop my bottom lip from quivering by biting down onto it.

He glares over my face angrily, scowling down at me before finally dropping his hand from my cheeks, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"When you're home, pack a bag. I'll be waiting outside at eleven"

I look up at him through teary eyes, "what?" I mutter, my voice cracking.

He closes his eyes in frustration and pinches the bridge of his nose for a moment, before looking at me again.

"just do it Annie" he demands, looking down at me, waiting for me to agree.

"Okay" I mumble, knowing better than to be defiant or question him.

Not that he'd give me a choice anyway.

"Good" he grumbles, before storming off and out of the restroom, leaving me here alone.

(Already writing the next chapter so expect that soon too!🫶🏼 also thanks for 69k reads ;)

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