Chapter thirty-one

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After an eventful little trip to the pharmacy, me and Rafe are back

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After an eventful little trip to the pharmacy, me and Rafe are back. To say the car ride was tense would be an understatement.

The teasing we had to endure from Sarah and Topper certainly didn't help Rafe's already terrible mood.

The day has passed pretty quickly, the sun beginning to set as me and Sarah return from our hike.

Her idea, definitely not mine.

In all fairness, I would've went on ten hikes just to keep my distance from Rafe today.

"You spoke to jj?" Sarah asks as we walk down a small dirt path towards the boys.

his name coming from her mouth instantly makes me tense up, just reminding me of what my reality is once we go home.

"Nope" I tell her, scuffing my shoes against the ground.

"Do you want to talk to him?" She asks in a hushed tone as we approach Topper and Rafe.

I do want to speak to him, but I'd never admit that, even to Sarah.

"Not really" I lie, giving her a nonchalant shrug.

She lets out a hum, accepting my answer and thankfully not mentioning it again.

We walk over to the two boys, each of them sat in a green camping chair.

I notice the multiple empty crushed beer cans scattered around them, just the look on Rafe's face indicates he's already drunk.


Rafe can either be tolerable while he's drunk, or the world's biggest asshole.

"Hey, how are-" I begin, before he rudely waves me off with his hand, cutting me off before continuing his conversation with Topper.

World's biggest asshole, got it.

I roll my eyes and walk off, feeling slightly envious of the way Topper immediately embraced Sarah in a hug when he saw her.

I plop myself down on the grass, extending my legs out in front of me as I stare out at the dark orange glow radiating over the horizon.

The view does somewhat calm me down, helping me forget about the way Rafe is acting, and will presumably continue to act the rest of the night.

As I sit in my own silence, I feel my phone buzz from the back pocket of my shorts.

I pull it out to see my screen lighting up with texts from jj and Kiara.

I laugh for what feels like the first time in hours when I see Kie has sent me a picture of jj and John b outside the chateau, looking drunk as hell.

Kie: stupid boys lol. We miss you :(

Her text brings a small smile to my face, making me feel warm inside.

God I miss them too.

Jayjay🫶🏼: how's camping with the crazies going?

I giggle as I read jj's text, tapping my fingers across the screen as I reply.

Me: exactly how you'd imagine

Jayjay🫶🏼: want me to come rescue you? I could get a helicopter if that's what it'll take?

I feel my smile widen even more, my thumbs moving to type out a reply to him.

"What are you doing?" I hear from behind me, making me jump.

I slide my phone back into my pocket as I turn my head, only to see Rafe staring down at me.

"Nothing" I mumble.

"Doesn't look like nothing" he claims in an accusatory tone.

"It's nothing Rafe" I tell him as I stand to my feet, taking notice to how his eyes are slightly bloodshot now that I'm face to face with him.

Did he seriously bring coke with him?

His eyes narrow as he glares at me suspiciously, a strong smell of beer wafting from him.

"Who were you texting?" He growls, his tone becoming progressively more bitter as he speaks.

"My dad" I blurt out quickly, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Bullshit" he hisses.

"I swear I-" I begin, but he interrupts me almost immediately.

"Tell me who you were fucking texting" he snaps at me, his nostrils flaring angrily as he stares at me with those bloodshot eyes.

"Kiara" I murmur, my fingers fidgeting with the hem of my shorts as I speak.

He takes in a sharp breath, his gaze flickering over me as he studies my face, trying to figure out if I'm lying or not.

Technically I'm not lying, I'm just telling the whole truth.

"What about jj?"


How on earth did he know that?

"I mean I-" I begin, my voice stuttering nervously.

"Were you texting him or not?" He interjects.

"Yeah" I reply sheepishly, my stomach twisting into knots and my cheeks growing hot.

I watch as his jaw tightens, a dry chuckle coming out of his mouth as he shakes his head in disbelief.

"You're a fucking slut, you know that?" He sneers, before swiftly moving his hand around me, grabbing my phone from my pocket.

"w-what are you doing?"

"Doing what I should've done a long time ago" he mutters, his eyes darkening in a way that makes me feel uneasy.

He lets my phone slip from his hand, creating a soft thump against the ground.

Before I can do anything to stop him, his foot is repeatedly stomping on top of it, his shoe aggressively smashing it to pieces.

My eyes widen as a gasp escapes my mouth, watching my phone become obliterated by him.

"Rafe!" I shriek, attempting to push him away to stop him.

"Thats what you get for acting like a whore" he grunts through gritted teeth before kicking the phone away and storming off.

My mouth goes slack as I stare down at the ground in utter disbelief and shock.

That fucking psycho just destroyed my phone, and I stood there and let him.

Sorry this is pretty short, I've been bombarded with uni work so I never have free time :(

No work next week so I'll be writing as much as I possibly can😭😭

I tried to mix in both the camping and jj for you all, so I hope you enjoyed!

I'll be picking up from here very soon <3

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