Chapter thirty-eight

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I give myself more than enough time to get ready for dinner tonight, very strategically picking out an outfit that'll mess with Rafe in all the right ways

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I give myself more than enough time to get ready for dinner tonight, very strategically picking out an outfit that'll mess with Rafe in all the right ways.

I apply minimal makeup, leaving my hair down just how he likes it. My dress of choice hugging my curves nicely, while accentuating my breasts just enough to catch attention.

I may or may not be rethinking my decision on the no sex rule, but just knowing how badly Rafe will be taking it, makes it all worth it to me.

I'm well aware of how petty that is, but it's really the least he deserves.

"Long time no see" Ward greets me with a cheerful smile as me and my Dad enter through the door of the large home.

I force a smile, my stomach dropping at the memory of this morning.

Ward saw me, in Rafe's room, wrapped up in nothing but a bedsheet.

"Good to see you sir" I nod, barely making eye contact with the man.

"Hey sweetie, how you doing?" Rose approaches me, embracing me in a loose hug.

"I'm sure you can imagine" I chuckle in a hushed voice as I pull away from the hug.

She nods her head in understanding. A weak smile on her face as she squeezes my arm softly.

"Oh thank god you're here" I hear a voice call out from the top of the staircase, moments later a small blonde skipping down eagerly.

She practically runs over to me, squeezing me tightly in her arms and just about winding me.

"Rafe's coming" she whispers in my ear before pulling away.

I snap my head towards the stairs, only to see him walking down them, his eyes glued to the phone in his hand.

He's wearing a fitted white shirt, the material tight around his muscular arms. I notice the first couple buttons are undone, causing my stomach to pathetically erupt in butterflies.

I've seen this man naked more times than I can count. Why is my body reacting in such a way to him, especially at the worst time possible?

He clears his throat when he sees me, keeping his gaze on mine before I look away and back towards Sarah.

"Come on" she takes my hand in hers, leading me towards the dining room.

"I can't believe they actually thought it would be a good idea to put you two in the same room" she lets out a huff. The both of us taking a seat in the empty room.

"Maybe they want us to be civil" I shrug my shoulders, staring down at the table awkwardly.

Not only do I despise lying to my closest friends, I'm absolutely terrible at it too.

Thankfully my strange demeanour can easily be brushed off as awkwardness from being around Rafe.

"Civil my ass, It's so shitty what they're doing" she scoffs, shaking her head.

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