Chapter four

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We arrive outside toppers, and for a party that technically started 20 minutes ago, it's very clearly busy.

"Thanks dad" Sarah says cheerily as we both undo our seatbelts. He turns around in his seat and smiles at us.

"Have fun girls, remember... don't take drugs, don't get too drunk, stay close together and don't do anything I wouldn't do" he says, his tone is playful but I can tell he's just being a protective dad to his daughter and her friend.

"Of course sir, we will be on our best behaviour" I say as I open my car door, Sarah nods to her dad and gets out the car and walks around to my side.

We wave her dad goodbye and walk through toppers front garden and into the busy house.

There's people everywhere already, crowded outside and inside, all either with red cups or cans in their hands. The music is booming through the walls as we walk in.

Sarah takes my hand and leads me through to toppers busy kitchen for a drink. The kitchen counter has an array of different bottles of liquor, beers, and the random few white claws and Smirnoff ice bottles.

minus the liquor, the other drinks are basically rendered useless to me, they're so weak.

Sarah picks up a bottle of vodka and pours us both a vodka and Diet Coke each and passing it to me, she sticks out her cup for me to cheers.

"To getting shitfaced" she says, I giggle and hit my drink next to hers. "To getting shitfaced" I say, then we both begin drinking our drinks.


"My two favourite girls" topper says, putting his arms around me and Sarah. I can tell he's already pretty drunk, which sort of relieves me, the only time I find topper tolerable is when he's drunk.

Sarah giggles and I see the look in her eye when she looks at him, that's a girl crushing hard.

"hey there" she says giggling, "could I interest you ladies in a shot?" He says playfully to us.

"Definitely" I say laughing. He takes his arms off of me and Sarah and sloppily pours the three of us a shot of tequila each.

We clink our shot glasses together and all swing out shots back.

I let out a groan as I feel the warm burning liquid flow down my throat.

"Fuck" Sarah groans as she finishes her shot, topper doesn't even really seem fazed by it, his face just winces a little.

I feel heat rise up my cheeks as I begin to feel the alcohol really take effect on me now, which makes me warm and fuzzy.

"Where's rafe at? He said he'd be here at 10" topper asks me and Sarah, a drunken look on his face.

"And you believed him? You know fine well he'll rock up here past midnight, coked out his head" Sarah says to topper, the mention of rafe taking cocaine makes my body immediately tense.

Knowing that there's a big chance that he's going to be high tonight worries me, I hate how he gets when he's taking that stuff. It's like all his bad personality traits multiply by 100.

Topper chuckles and nods his head. "Guess you're right" he says to Sarah. I notice toppers eyes look Sarah up and down, a cheeky little grin growing on his face.

"You look pretty tonight Cameron" he says to her, her face blushes and she looks down at the ground shyly. "Thanks" she says giggling.

It's funny seeing her get so flustered over him, normally Sarah is pretty confident around boys, I guess she really likes this one.

I notice they're in their own little conversation now so I get my phone out of my handbag and pull rafes name on my text app.

"Where are you? Miss you" I text him. I don't want him being an asshole tonight, especially if he's high. so I'm going with the sweet girl approach so there's really nothing he can get annoyed about.

As I begin to put my phone back in my bag, I hear someone behind me begin to speak.

"Uh.. excuse me miss...I believe you owe me a drink" the person behind me says, it sounds as if they're putting on a fake deep voice.

I turn around and I see jj, making me smile instantly.

"You came!" I say, hugging him. "Of course I came, couldn't miss out on seeing you could I princess?" He says cheekily.

I grin and punch his arm playfully, "where's John b?" I say smiling.

"Uh he's right-" he says turning around, then looks back at me and shrugs. "He's disappeared" he says chuckling.

"Typical, that boy can't stay stood still for longer than a minute" I say laughing.

"I hope you're not talking about me Perez" John b says playfully using my last name, coming from behind me.

"Johnathan" I say grinning. "Feel like I've not seen you in forever" I say to him.

"Yeah because you're always stuck with your dickhead boyfriend" he says grinning at me, I can't help but laugh, he is completely correct.

I roll my eyes and chuckle. "He's not a dickhead" I say smiling.

"Yes he is" John b and jj say in unison, making me laugh properly now.

"Shut up" I say to them playfully, sipping my drink.

The three of us continue to chat for a little while, me and John b catching up too, which feels good. These guys are good guys, and it upsets me that people would see them any differently just because they have less money.


Around half an hour has passed since I texted rafe which worries me a tiny bit, but at the same time, I know he's probably either picking up coke, or taking it with kelce and Barry before coming here.

This kind of annoys me, because if the roles were reversed, and I didn't reply to him for half an hour, he'd go crazy.

I don't even care about the fact that sometimes he'll be busy and can't reply. It's the principle that he is allowed to get mad at me for not messaging back, but if he does it, he's 'too busy' to talk.

Just as these thoughts play on the back of my mind, I feel my phone vibrate in my bag, I pull my phone out and see his message pop up on my Lock Screen.

"Don't worry about it baby I'll see you soon" he messages back, making me roll my eyes and put my phone back in my bag.

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