Chapter twenty-four

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I watch as Rafe walks off towards his bathroom, leaving me alone in the dimly lit bedroom

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I watch as Rafe walks off towards his bathroom, leaving me alone in the dimly lit bedroom.

I let out a shaky exhale, a pang of guilt shooting through me as my mind races with the thought of what just happened.

Guilty at how I just let him get what he wants, how easily he can control me.

It's like I have no backbone around him, no voice to defend myself anymore.

I move my trembling legs over to my bag laid on the floor, rummaging through the clothes inside until I find a pair of pyjama shorts and a loose fitting T-shirt.

I tug my sweatshirt off before pulling the straps of my dress down to my shoulders, letting the thin fabric pool around my ankles.

I step into my shorts, lazily pulling them over me, along with the T-shirt I picked out.

I slump down into the bed, anticipating Rafes arrival back into his room.

Lost in thought, I stare up at the ceiling, fidgeting with the ring on my finger. A habit I unconsciously picked up when me and Rafe started dating.

I'm soon snapped out of my own head when I hear the door opening, rafe emerging from the steamy room, the smell of his deodorant and shampoo washing over me.

I watch him as he makes his way to the bed, dressed in only a pair of black boxers, exposing the rest of his toned body to me.

His damp hair fallen over his forehead, sticking messily to his skin. Dripping single water droplets down over his eyelashes and flushed cheeks.

As much as he vexes me in the worst way's possible, I always find myself longing for him. An addictive drug i can't help but crave.

But drugs have a way of ruining people, breaking them down into the worst versions of themselves.

"I like when you look at me like that" he chuckles, a mischievous smirk planted on his lips.

My eyes dart up to his face, which is leaning over me as his body looms over the bed.

"Sorry" I mumble, a little embarrassed he caught me gawking at him.

He laughs, running his fingers through his wet hair so it slicks back out of his face.

"Don't be sorry, you should do it more often" he replies with a grin as he climbs into the bed, swiftly pinning me down underneath him, pushing my body into the soft mattress beneath me.

His eyes wander over me, observing my change of attire before finding my gaze again.

"Wasn't any point in changing when I'll be taking these off anyways" he growls as his hand roams down to the waistband of my shorts, impatiently tugging them down along with my panties.

Within seconds he's roughly pulling my T-shirt off, revealing my bare breasts to him.

"So beautiful" he hums in awe before cupping one of my breasts, sucking gently on the nipple.

𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now