Chapter six

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I stumble down the stairs, feeling like I'm going to be sick from humiliation, the alcohol in my system is really not helping with my emotions.

I can't stop thinking of the events that just played out, the way I just stood there, letting him speak to me like that in front of people, the way that girl was all over him and he didn't do a thing about it.

The only person who actually said anything in my defence was topper... which is a shocker on its own.

"Hey Annie wait" I hear, it's topper following down the stairs behind me. Once he reaches me I smile weakly at him.

"You didn't have to follow me, I'm fine" I say trying to reassure him I'm okay, but the tone of my voice gives away that I'm not.

"What the fuck was his problem?" He says as he runs a hand through his hair, a worried look on his face.

I shrug, "it's rafe" I say, like him being like that is the most normal thing ever.

"Yeah but still he-" topper begins to say, but I stop him. "Look it's alright, really. I'm gonna go find Sarah okay?" I say to him, trying to act as nonchalant as possible.

He gives me a small smile and nods, then begins walking back up the stairs.

I let out a sigh, and begin to squeeze through people to find Sarah. Soon enough I find her in the busy kitchen talking with jj and John b.

Jj turns his head to me and smiles, "where the hell have you been princess?". I smile back at him "uh just looking for rafe" I say.

"Oh did you find him? I've not seen him around for ages" Sarah interjects. "yup, I found him" I reply nodding.

She can tell by my tone of voice and the expression on my face that something happened. "Did something happen?" She asks worried.

I can see now that John b and jj are also looking at me, waiting for me to explain, but I really don't want to get into it with them now.

Knowing jj he'd probably go up there and try start a fight with rafe and kelce, and I really do not want that right now.

"Uh.. nothing happened, he's just busy" I say as casually as I can, forcing a smile onto my face trying to reassure them.

Jj and Sarah give each other a look, they can probably tell I'm lying to them. "If you say so" Sarah says, probably not wanting to push it any further.

"I'm gonna go outside for a cig, you okay on your own for a little bit?" I say to Sarah smiling. "Of course I am" she says smiling back at me.

"Be back in a minute" I say then begin to squeeze through people to get outside.

"I'm going to go make sure she's okay" jj says to John b and Sarah before following me out.

I finally make it outside to toppers large front garden, I pull out my cigarettes from my bag and light one up.

Rafe absolutely hates that I smoke occasionally and he'd probably kill me if he saw me, but I hate him right now so I'm letting myself have this one.

"Hey princess" I hear from behind me, I turn around and see jj approaching me. "You didn't have to follow me out here you know? I'm fine" I say grinning at him.

He comes and stands next to me as I smoke my cigarette. "I thought you'd like some company that's all" he says nudging my arm with his elbow playfully.

I smile at him and we stand in a comfortable silence together.


I wake up with an excruciating headache, the sun coming in from the window hurting my eyes as I slowly open them.

I groan and shuffle around in the bed to cover my face from the sun.

I'm in Sarah's bed who's still asleep next to me, both still in our clothes and makeup from last night.

After the whole situation with rafe I don't really remember much, other than wanting to get as shitfaced as I possibly could.

"What time is it?" I hear Sarah groan beside me, I roll over and grab my phone from the night stand.

"Just after 10:30" I say tiredly, she groans and rolls over so her face is pushed into the pillow.

"My head hurtsss" she says, her voice muffled by the pillow. I roll over on my side to face her, my eyes barley open yet.

"What time did we get in last night?" I say quietly, my voice still groggy.

"Fuck knows, I don't even remember how we got back" she says into her pillow.

I turn my phone on again and look through the few notifications I have, wincing at the bright light shining in my eyes.

Rafe<3 1.06am: I'm sorry I upset you baby

Rafe<3 4.55am: where are you I can't find you anywhere ?!

Jayjay🫶🏼 5.24am: btw Sarah left her bag in the Twinkie

Jayjay🫶🏼 5:45am: drink plenty water princess you almost puked out of the window while John b was driving

I turn my phone off and put it down next to me on the bed. "I think John b drove us home, jj said you left your bag" I say to Sarah, while stretching out my stiff body a little.

Sarah groans and rolls only her back, "tell jj I'll get it later" she says rubbing her eyes, some mascara residue coming off and onto her hand.

I swing my legs off the bed and slowly sit up, groaning at the way my body is reacting to the hangover when I move.

"I'm gonna go for a shower, mind if I borrow some clothes?" I ask as I stand up. "You know you don't have to ask" Sarah says, rolling over onto her side in my direction.

I smile at her and walk into her en suite bathroom and switch the shower on, before getting in I brush out my messy hair and tie it in a bun so it's out of my way while I shower.

I slip my dress off from last night and step into the shower, letting the warm water run over my body.


Once I'm done in the shower I step out and wrap a towel around my body, now that last nights makeup is off and my body is clean I feel a lot more refreshed and awake.

I step back into Sarah's room and notice she's up out of bed and changed into different clothes, leaning against her doorframe talking to rafe.

when rafe hears me walk in he looks over Sarah's shoulder at me, watching me.

I completely ignore his presence and walk over to her wardrobe and pull out a pair of high waisted black denim shorts and a light blue baby tee crop top, then walk straight back to the bathroom to change into them.

Once I'm changed I walk back into her room and she's sitting on the edge of her bed, doing something on her phone, thankfully rafe is gone so I go sit next to her.

"What did he want?" I say, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Asking where we went last night, well more specifically where you went" she explains, "I just told him we got a ride from Mia back home, I know what he's like with jj"

"Thank you" i mutter, relieve washes over me, knowing that I won't have to deal with his nagging about jj and John b.

"Did he mention anything else?" I say quietly, wondering if he mentioned to Sarah about what he was like to me last night.

"no, just that" she says, no sign of suspicion or further questions.

Y'all thank you for 100 reads! That's crazy <3

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