Chapter twenty-three

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"You're staying indefinitely" he replies smoothly, his voice making it obvious there isn't going to be a choice

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"You're staying indefinitely" he replies smoothly, his voice making it obvious there isn't going to be a choice.

My brows furrow in complete and utter confusion, what on earth does he mean by staying indefinitely?

I shake my head slightly as I try to wrap my head around what I just heard, not wanting to believe the words that he just spoke.

This must be some sort of joke right? He doesn't really think that he can just drag me away from my home to stay with him.

"What do you mean indefinitely?" I ask him, my voice cracking anxiously as I speak.

He chuckles darkly, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel restlessly.

"Well let's just say, your stay is gonna be a little more... permanent" he replies, his tone staying curt and assertive.

His words are like a punch to the gut, taking the air out of me and rendering me speechless for a moment.

"w-what? What about your da-" I begin to stutter out before he cuts me off.

"Dad doesn't care, in fact, he thought it was a great idea... said would bring us closer together" he mocks condescendingly, the sadistic grin on his face growing wider.

I look at him in disbelief, the fact he's acting so blasé and smug about the whole situation is driving me insane.

Then again... not surprising in the slightest.

He glances at me for a moment, sensing my worried and apprehensive state before turning his attention back to the road.

"Don't you want to live with me baby?" He coos patronisingly.

"I would've liked to have had a choice" i spit out angrily, feeling my chest tighten and my muscles tense up at my irritation finally becoming too much to hold in.

In an instant, Rafe's pompous smirk has faltered, and soon replaced with a fuming scowl.

I watch as he grips down onto the steering wheel tightly, turning his knuckles white.

"You don't get to have a fucking choice anymore" he exclaims angrily, raising his voice at me.

Before I can even reply, I feel the speed in which he is driving now, basically racing down the neighbourhood his house is on.

He brings his car to a sharp halt as we enter the driveway, causing the seatbelt around my stomach to dig into me.

Without a moment to spare, he's already storming out of the car and retrieving my bag from the trunk.

Not wanting to make him any worse than he is now, I swiftly exit the car, carefully shutting the door behind me.

He grumbles something unidentifiable under his breath before approaching me, gripping my arm tightly and tugging me into the house.

I wince at his rough grasp on my arm, even over my hoodie I can feel the stinging sensation of his hand on my skin.

I stumble behind him as he basically drags me up the stairs, pulling me into his bedroom hastily.

He tosses my bag onto the ground before shutting the door behind us, finally letting go of my arm.

I let out a small sign and rub my hand over the sore area. "Jesus rafe" I say, letting out a shaky breath.

Before I can even acknowledge what's happening, his lips are smashing against mines roughly, capturing my lips in a harsh kiss that leaves no doubt about who is in control here.

I stumble backwards from the forcefulness of the kiss, my back hitting the wall behind me.

Within seconds, our lips are in perfect sync, moving against each others passionately.

He seems to have this effect on me, let's just say I'm easily distracted by him.

I feel his tongue sliding along my lips, demanding entry to my mouth as he deepens the kiss. I open my mouth slightly for him, letting his tongue flick around my mouth hungrily.

His hands roam up the back of my thighs, grabbing my ass roughly over the thin fabric of my dress.

I bring my hands to the nape of his neck, pulling his body flush against mines. He groans deeply into the kiss, squeezing my ass harder which makes me gasp quietly.

I feel him smirk against my lips as one of his hands begins making its way between my thighs, making his way under my dress and trailing up the sensitive skin slowly.

His fingers graze over my panties softly, lightly pressing down on the most sensitive part of me.

I grip onto him tighter, my breathing progressively getting more and more shallow as he teases me.

He pulls away from my lips and begins leaving kisses along my jaw, nibbling gently at my skin.

"You're this wet for me already baby?" He whispers in my ear, lightly biting my earlobe.

"mhm" i hum raggedly, making his smirk widen against my skin as he continues kissing along my neck.

I feel his fingers push my panties to the side, then slowly sliding them along my wet folds, very softly moving his fingers in circles over my clit.

I let out a whining moan, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the wall behind me.

"After what happened earlier, I shouldn't even be giving you this" he whispers in my ear, his fingers continuing to slowly rub the spot between my legs that makes me to go weak.

"I-I'm sorry" I reply shakily, my voice cracking as I try to hold in my moans.

"I'm sure you can show me how sorry you are later on" he whispers tauntingly before picking up the pace in which is fingers move, making me moan louder.

His free hand moves up to my mouth, covering it tightly, making my eyes shoot open to look at him.

"You really want someone hearing us again?" He scolds me, his mouth curving into a small smirk at seeing me like this, completely under his control.

I shake my head quickly, resulting in him applying more pressure on my clit as he moves his fingers teasingly. My loud moans thankfully being muffled by his hand pressed against my mouth.

"Good, keep fucking quiet" he grunts as he watches me basically melt under his touch.

I close my eyes again, moving my hands from the back of his neck and onto his shoulders, gripping onto him for support.

He continues moving his fingers to the point where I feel my core tighten up and an all too familiar feeling begin to approach.

Rafe must sense my impending orgasm because then he ups the pace, applying more pressure against my sensitive clit. My muffled moans only growing louder against his hand.

"Cum for me baby" he whispers, sucking at the soft skin below my ear. His lips then begin roaming over my neck, nibbling and sucking roughly.

An intense sense of pleasure washes over me as I climax, my eyes squeezed shut as he rubs me through my orgasm.

As I come down from my overwhelming high, he releases his hand from my mouth, followed along by his fingers slowly pulling away from my pussy.

My chest is heaving frantically as he looks into my eyes, watching me attempt to regain my composure and catch my breath.

"Get on the bed, I'm not done with you yet" he demands before walking off into the bathroom.

(Do I continue with the smut or skip to the next day I can't decideeeeee)

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