Chapter thirty-seven

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If I go, I move on from this, from him

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If I go, I move on from this, from him.

If I stay, I put up with the consequences that decision unfortunately comes with.

"This is a bad idea for both of us Rafe" I whisper, trying not to let those magnetic blue eyes pull me in.

"It doesn't feel like a bad idea" he murmurs. Lightly tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, his finger lingering on my cheek causing my skin to heat up.

I let out a sigh, my eyes flickering over his face carefully, taking in each feature as if I'm admiring a work of art.

"You're making it so hard to leave"

"Then don't" his fingers now tracing along my shoulder and down my arm, until his hand is in mine, holding it gently.

"If I were to stay, I'd want some things to change" I murmur, my voice gaining a little more firmness and strength back.

"Mmh hmm, anything" he hums back, not seeming like he's taking my words all that seriously.

I let go of his hand, shaking my head.

"I mean it Rafe, I want some sort of... confirmation"

His brows knit together and an amused smile spreads over his face.

"You want me get down on my knees and beg or something?" He chuckles, his tone dripping in sarcasm.

My eyebrows raise and I pout my lips, as if I'm actually considering this idea.

"That doesn't sound so bad-"

"No" He interrupts me quickly, shaking his head firmly, his lips sat in a straight line.

"Fine. But I do want you to promise me some things" I tell him in an assertive manner, gulping down my nerves as I try to keep up this confident demeanour.

His eyes narrow, his tongue poking into the inside of his cheek as he watches me for a moment.

This stubborn dickhead isn't taking me seriously.

"Or not" I continue as I turn to reach for the handle of his bedroom door.

He lets out a groan before grabbing my arm and spinning me around. "Alright fine, what do I have to promise"

"I want you to start treating me better" I mutter sheepishly, finding it hard to even try telling him what to do.

He lets out a small laugh, the mockery making me feel even more embarrassed.

"Fine, is that it?" He chuckles.

I shake my head, staying quiet for a moment lost in thought.

"Until I notice a change in how you act towards me... no more sex"

Just like that, his smugness is completely wiped away.

I watch as his eyes widen in disbelief as his lips fall into a small frown. "You're kidding right?"

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