Chapter twenty-eight

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"Rafe wake up" I mumble tiredly, gently shaking the sleeping boy next to me

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"Rafe wake up" I mumble tiredly, gently shaking the sleeping boy next to me.

"Fuck off" he grumbles, swatting my hands away.

I roll my eyes and begin to shake his body a little harder.

"Topper is picking us up in twenty minutes, get up"

He lets out a groan and rubs his hands down his face "who's idea was it to leave so early?" he mutters.

"Who'd you think?" I chuckle.

It's as if we summoned her, because moments later Sarah is thrashing into Rafes room, already fully dressed with a giddy smile on her face.

"Good morning" she cheers as she enters.

"For the love of god" Rafe groans, shoving his face into a pillow.

"Morning" I greet her, not nearly as energetic as the excitable blonde stood across the room.

I sluggishly roll out of bed, planting my feet on the floor and making my way over to Rafes closet where he kindly unpacked my clothes last week.

I reiterate, where I unpacked my clothes last week. If it was up to Rafe they would've stayed in a pile in the corner of his room.

"Are you excited?" Sarah asks, leaning herself on the wall by me.

"Very excited" I reply sarcastically, looking over at Rafe who's still laying in bed.

"You've managed to basically spend every day with him for almost a week, I'm sure you'll survive three more" she giggles, digging fun at her brother.

"I can hear you" he murmurs from the bed.

"Good, get up" she snaps back at him, earning a groan back from the boy.

I listen to the two siblings argue as I pick out a pair of black Nike shorts and tee-shirt for myself.

Rafe finally emerges from the bed in nothing but a pair of boxers, making Sarah grimace and look away.

"Jesus Rafe put on some clothes" she exclaims in disgust.

"Don't come into my fucking room then" he sneers back at her.

She rolls her eyes and faces me, "good luck, he's moody in the morning" she whispers.

"I'm aware" I whisper back playfully.

"What was that?"

"Nothing" we both say in unison, Sarah pursing her lips to stop herself from laughing.

"See you in twenty" she mutters to me with a small smile before leaving his room, closing the door behind her.


"Took your time, Topper's waiting outside" Sarah says as me and Rafe slug ourselves and our heavy bags down the stairs.

"That sounds like his problem" Rafe replies in a snarky tone.

𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now