Chapter eighteen

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Rafe has dropped kelce and topper back home, leaving the two of us alone in the car as he drives back to tannyhill

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Rafe has dropped kelce and topper back home, leaving the two of us alone in the car as he drives back to tannyhill.

The only sound filling my ears is the muffled music playing from the radio, an awkward silence filling the air between us.

"If I see him talking to you again, I won't hesitate to kill him" rafe says, breaking the silence. His hands gripping the steering wheel in front of him, turning his knuckles white.

The way these words come out of his mouth bring an uneasy chill down my spine, like there's a part of me that really believes he could follow through with his threat.

Now I know I could retaliate and argue back, but I know better than to challenge him and enrage him anymore than he is already.

"Okay" I reply quietly, my voice showing how nervous this has made me.

A small smirk spreads across his face at how easy it was for him to control me.

"I hope you know that all of that was your fault" he says, his tone incredibly condescending and smug.

My brows furrow as I look at him, his eyes still focused on the road in front of him. "How was that my fault exactly?" I ask him, making him chuckle darkly.

"When you act like a slut around those kind of boys, that's what happens baby" he replies patronisingly, that taunting smirk still plastered on his face.

"You should really be thanking me for putting that pogue in his place" he adds before I can say anything back.

I sink down in the car seat, feeling my stomach twist uncontrollably and my face burn in humiliation at his harsh words.

Maybe it was my fault, maybe rafe is right.

As these self deprecating thoughts flood my brain, I'm snapped out of my own head as I see rafe pull into Tannyhill drive.

I try to push down the guilty feelings down as I get out the car, walking behind rafe as we enter the large home.

It's evident by the quietness in the house that everyone is asleep, giving me a big sense of relief.

I really was not in the mood to explain to anyone why rafe has just walked in with a busted lip, even worse, see the sympathetic look on Sarah's face once I told her what happened.

The same look that makes me feel like a helpless child people feel sorry for.

As I follow rafe into his room, I notice the top I had originally chose to wear tonight on the floor. Exactly where I had left it after being forced to change into something more suitable.

I grimace as I see it, a dirty, anxious feeling coats my body. The memory of all the names he called me hitting like a ton of bricks.

I let out a shaky breath as I pick it up and hang it over a chair in his room.

I strip off my shorts and bra, leaving me in rafes T-shirt and my underwear as I walk through to his bathroom. I see him wiping up the small amount of dried blood from his lip and chin in the mirror.

"How is it?" I ask timidly as I walk over to him, leaning on the sink facing him.

He looks down at me with an unreadable expression, "it's fine, no thanks to you" he grumbles, breaking his gaze from me and back up to the mirror behind me.

"I'm sorry rafe, I hate the thought of you getting hurt" I mumble sadly, making him look back down at me, a tiny glint of sorrow in his eyes.

But just as I think he may be capable of showing any human emotion other than anger or jealousy, his face hardens.

He cups my cheeks in his hand roughly, forcing me to meet his gaze, "just remember what'll happen if you speak to him again" he growls.

I nod as much as my head can with his tight grip on my face, "I love you" i mutter, trying to resolve this situation from escalating.

His expression softens slightly as his eyes flicker over my face, "I love you too" he says, hesitatingly letting go of my face before looking away from me.

"Go to bed, I'll be through in a minute" he mumbles. I do as he says and walk back into his bedroom, climbing into the large bed.

I get myself comfy under the covers, laying on my back, attempting to distract myself by scrolling through my phone. Trying not to let my negative thoughts involving today get the better of me.

A couple of minutes go by and Rafe emerges from the bathroom, getting into bed next to me. I place my phone down on the nightstand and lay my head onto the soft pillows beneath me.

"Come here" I hear him say quietly from besides me, I shuffle over so I'm laying next to him, my head on his chest.

He wraps an arm around me and kisses the top of my head softly. "Goodnight" he whispers.

I move my head up and gently leave a small kiss on his lips, "goodnight" I whisper back, before leaning my head back on him.

While rafe falls asleep, I'm kept awake by my scattered thoughts of what I'm going to do about jj, guilt soaring through my body, making me feel nauseous.

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