Chapter thirty-five

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I spin around to make my way back out to the boys, when my body is colliding into a hard chest

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I spin around to make my way back out to the boys, when my body is colliding into a hard chest.

"God I'm sorry" I mutter without caring to look up, quickly wiping off the small amount of the strangers drink that is now trickling down my cleavage.

"Annie?" They murmur softly, sending an immediate chill down my spine.

That voice.

That voice I've been trying so hard to forget about for weeks.

I snap my head up, only to be met with those eyes. Those stupidly addictive blue eyes.

I feel my throat tightening as if I'm being choked, the blood draining from my face while I just stand there, unable to muster up the courage to even speak to him.

I stare at him in disbelief, his change in appearance taking me a little by surprise. Instantly taking notice to his hair, once reasonably grown out, now all buzzed off.

His arms are also considerably more muscular, those biceps basically bulging out from his short sleeved tee-shirt.

"Uh hi" I finally speak, my voice sounding a lot quieter than I had intended it on being.

The last thing I want him to think is that I'm still that same weak, timid girl, but right now I'm really not making that even slightly convincing.

My body goes weak around him, even now. It's as if I lose control over my own actions and thoughts, giving him free rein to possess my entire being.

"How have you been?" He asks me, his voice laced with what sounds like a hint of arrogance. His gaze moving to my body, as his eyes slowly look me up and down.

"I've been fine" I mutter awkwardly, this conversation feeling so unnatural and odd as the tension between us grows thicker by the second.

"You been here long?" He continues, before taking a drink from the red plastic cup in his hand.

"I was actually just leaving" I tell him, my gaze moving to the door behind him before meeting his eyes again.

I don't even want to imagine what would happen if jj walked in here and saw me talking to Rafe.

I wouldn't be shocked if he'd kill him then possibly me after.

"Don't leave on my account" he replies sarcastically as his mouth curves up into a small smirk.

"I wasn't but now I'm definitely considering it" I resist the urge to roll my eyes at his tone, clearly not amused by him in the slightest.

He puts his free hand up in defence as his smirk widens, just these small actions alone make my stomach twist into knots.

"Who you here with then?" He chuckles quietly, taking another drink while keeping his eyes on me.

"Just the usual" I reply with a nonchalant shrug.

I try to remind myself that he has absolutely no authority over my life anymore. But even the thought of him knowing that I'm with jj tonight overwhelms me with an all too familiar feeling of panic.

"I presume that includes jj right?" He laughs in an un-humorous and mocking way as he raises a brow at me.

"You presumed right" I tell him with a little smugness to my voice. Earning back a scoff from the boy.

"Is he your boyfriend now?" He asks, not even trying to hide the disgust in his voice as I furrow my brows and shake my head.

"No, but that doesn't sound so bad... maybe I'll ask him" I smile tauntingly, his eyes narrowing in response.

"You do that" he replies in a dismissive way, but his frustration and jealousy very clearly obvious from the way his jaw is clenching.

He swiftly downs the rest of his drink before tossing the empty cup onto the counter, his eyes finding mine once again.

"Do you have to leave right now?" He asks, his question catching me by surprise as I stay in silence for a moment.

I know the more responsible thing to do right now would be to leave, to stay as far as humanly possible away from this man.

Despite this, I just can't seem to ignore that little part inside that's urging me to stay.

"Maybe I can stay for just one more drink" I reply hesitantly, a smile forming on his lips the second the words leave my mouth.

"Just one more drink" he repeats my words with a grin, knowing damn well he has no intention of letting me go after just the one.

Of course that drink ended up turning into two, which then turned into three...then four.

Five minutes turning into an hour, neither me or Rafe having any intention of ending the conversation.

"Shit" I hiss as some drunk guy accidentally spills his drink, causing it to splash over my chest and leave a dark wet stain across my baby pink top.

Rafe snickers, only making me glare at him with narrow eyes.

I let out a groan before turning around and shoving my way to the nearest bathroom.

Just as I go to close the door, Rafe is walking in behind me.

Now if I wasn't incredibly intoxicated, I would've kicked him out straight away.

But my stupid, incoherent brain doesn't seem to see any problem with the fact we now alone.

"Can't believe that idiot spilt his drink all over me" I mutter to myself as I use a towel to wipe away the stickiness from my skin.

When Rafe doesn't say a word, I look up at him in confusion. Immediately I see his eyes glued to my cleavage that I'm wiping clean.

"Rafe!" I snap at him as I wave a hand in front of his face.

"What?" He mutters as he slowly meets my gaze once again.

"Stop staring at me like that" I reply, trying to hold in my laugh.

"It's not like I've not seen them before" he rolls his eyes over dramatically, a grin appearing on his face.

"Yeah and you never will again" I tease him, causing him to groan and lean his head back against the wall.

"You know I've not had sex since we broke up" he tells me, resulting in me to immediately burst out laughing.


"It's not bullshit, I didn't want anyone else but you, I still don't" he says as he watches me from the other side of the small bathroom with his arms crossed in front of him.

Just the way the muscles in his arms grow so much more prominent in that position make my legs feel like jelly and my body heat up.

I let out a huff as I look away from him, continuing to clean myself off while not even acknowledging what he just told me.

"Just the thought of you is better than fucking like... one hundred random girls" he murmurs while my face scrunches up, a drunken grin plastered over his face.

"Well I'm honoured to have made it to your spank bank" my tone sarcastic as I purse my lips from smiling.

"Oh you have no idea" he chuckles, his eyes still watching me intently.

Sorry for all you buzzcut Rafe haters. But I also say YOU'RE WELCOME to the lovers (me).

Next chapter will be out tomorrow! <3

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