Chapter fifteen

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I slowly open my tired eyes to be met with an all too familiar setting, the dark room dimly lit by rafes lamp

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I slowly open my tired eyes to be met with an all too familiar setting, the dark room dimly lit by rafes lamp.

Pussy can't even sleep in the dark.

I slowly creep my arm over his sleeping body towards his phone on the nightstand to check the time. My unexpected little visit to his room didn't give me the opportunity to get my own.

I pick up his phone and turn it on, wincing at the bright light shining in my sensitive eyes.

I blink tiredly, my eyes slowly adjusting to the brightness. I see that the time is 5:26am, making me sign in relief.

I thank my lucky stars that I woke up before everyone else, especially Sarah. This just gives me the chance to sneak back into her bed without the suspicion of where I was, more importantly who I was with.

I know deep down that Sarah wouldn't really mind that I ended up back with rafe so soon, but my own pride would be destroyed at the thought of anyone knowing yet, especially so soon after everything that happened.

More specifically after all the bitching and moaning over rafe I gave her.

I carefully place his phone back and shuffle out of rafes bed, retrieving my clothes that are scattered all over his bedroom.

I quickly put my pyjamas back on before quietly turning the doorknob, tip toeing out of his room and into the hallway towards Sarah's bedroom.


"Waffles or pancakes?" Ward asks me and Sarah from across the kitchen.

"Pancakes" me and Sarah say in unison, making ward smile, giving us a thumbs up.

last night I successfully got back into Sarah's bed without any suspicious, I don't think she has a clue about my little disappearance.

"Sooo... you and rafe gonna speak?" She asks me as she swings her feet back and forth, both of us sitting at the kitchen counter.

I hesitate for a moment, feeling slightly bad for lying. "Uh yeah... maybe, I mean.. I dunno, I'll see" I stutter out awkwardly as I fiddle with a ring on my finger.

Let's just say I'm not the best liar.

Before she can reply, most likely to question my incredibly awkward demeanour, rafe walks in, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

I try pull my gaze away from him, but after last night it takes a bit more self control.

He's wearing a black T-shirt and grey sweats, although very different to his usual attire, suits him way more.

"Morning son" ward says while plating up me and Sarah's breakfast. "Morning" rafe grumbles tiredly as he raids the fridge for food.

I finally draw my eyes away from him and look down at the counter in front of me, nervously tapping my fingers on the marble.

I can feel Sarah watching me from the corner of her eye, quite obviously noticing the strange tension.

I pray to god that she just puts this down to the events that took place yesterday, and nothing else... like last night.

"Here you go girls" ward says as he sets out a plate of pancakes in front of me and sarah, breaking me out of my daze.

"Thank you sir" I politely reply, giving him a small smile.

"Thanks dad" sarah adds, mouth full of pancake already.

Before I can eat any myself, rafe walks over to me and sarah at the opposite side of the counter.

He stretches his arms out, leaning on the marble in front of him.

He looks at me and gives me a small smirk before ripping a piece of my pancake off and popping it into his mouth.

I narrow my eyes at him, giving him a look as if to say "get lost".

Sarah looks between us as she eats, most likely trying to figure out what's going on.

"Not gonna share baby?" Rafe casually says to me as he takes another piece of my food, making me roll my eyes.

The fact he's acting so casual and nonchalant around me, specifically around Sarah is annoying me.

"Dad... was there workers in the house last night or something?" Sarah asks her dad, snapping me out of my little stare off with rafe.

"No honey why?" Ward replies to Sarah, making me look at her in slight confusion.

"Just thought I heard like... banging last night... guess I imagined it" Sarah says to her dad as she looks at me with a cheeky grin.


"Did either of you hear it? I mean it was pretty loud" Sarah asks me and rafe with a playful but mischievous tone.

Rafe stands up straight and shrugs, "nah, didn't hear anything" he replies nonchalantly.

Damn he's a good liar.

"Me neither" I mumble as I play around with my fork nervously.

Sarah just hums at my answer and continues to eat her pancakes, making me look at rafe who's just grinning at me.

He goes to take another piece of my pancake until I stab my fork into the whole thing and pass him the fork. "Just take it" i mutter.

He gives me a smug smile, showing his teeth, "thanks baby" he says before walking off, munching on my breakfast.

"You can drop the innocent act, I know what happened" Sarah says to me as rafe walks off leaving me and her alone.

I put my face in my hands and groan, "I'm sorry I never told you, I was just so embarrassed and I-" I ramble on before Sarah cuts me off by laughing and rubbing my back.

"You don't have to apologise for anything Annie" Sarah laughs, making me look at her and widen my eyes.

"Really?" I ask sheepishly, making her laugh more.

"If you wanna be with your boyfriend... even if he is rafe..." she grimaces before continuing "then you can".

I give her a small smile and take her hand in mines, "thank you... but I am sorry for lying about it to you" I reply, making her give my hand a gentle squeeze.

"I don't blame you for lying about sleeping with that asshole, but you are forgiven" she giggles, making me smile wider and giggle along with her.

"Next time... don't be so loud though" she mumbles jokingly, making me burst out laughing and my face burn red.

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