Chapter nine

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I turn off the tv and lay on my stomach, propping myself up on my elbows so I can look up at him.

"You excited for midsummers next weekend?" I say as I fiddle around with his gold signet ring on his finger.

He gives me a small smile and shrugs. "Excited to see everyone celebrate my dad? Not really" he says, I lift his hand up and leave small kisses across his fingers then the palm of his hand.

"But I'll be there" I say, looking up at him as I kiss his hand.

He takes his hand and holds it under my chin, then tucks a small piece of hair behind me ear.

"Would you want to walk out with me when my dad receives his award? I'm pretty sure my sister is asking topper" he says softly, as he strokes my face.

A smile spreads across my face, "you'd really want that?" I say, he nods and continues to gently caress my cheek.

"Of course I would baby, now come here" he demands, I sit up on my knees so we are face to face.

"You're so beautiful" he whispers as his hand holds the nape of my neck.

I smile and feel myself blush, "thank you" I say quietly back.

He pulls me in by the back of my neck and kisses me gently.

I lean into the slow and passionate kiss, feeling his hand behind my neck begin to slowly move up in my hair, his fingers intertwining through it.

The kiss starts to heat up, our tongues roaming each others mouths lustfully. His hand in my hair moving down my back and gripping my waist.

He puts his free hand to the other side of my waist and manoeuvres me onto his lap, so I'm straddling him.

Since he's still sitting up in the bed, I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and he holds me close by my waist.

As the kiss gets more and more intense, I start to slowly grind on top of his crotch, making his breathing slightly more shallow as he kisses me.

He then brings his hands under my T-shirt and begins to roam up my body, reaching my bare breasts and squeezing them.

He starts to gently squeeze my nipples, making me moan softly into the kiss.

The sensation of this makes me squirm and rock my hips back and forth on his lap, making him groan into the kiss.

"Fuck you're driving me insane" he groans out, then grabs my waist and flips me onto my back.

I giggle at the quick transition and how quickly his strong arms were able to move me.

Before climbing on top of me, he pulls down the boxers I'm wearing and pushes my thighs apart.

I let out a small gasp at the cold air hitting my bare core, he smirks at seeing me like this and climbs on top of me, his body pushing in between my legs.

He pulls off his T-shirt, and before I can even admire his toned body, he's crashing his lips against mines again,

One of his hands begin to pull off my T-shirt, I use my free hands to help him pull it over my head eagerly.

His hand roams over my breasts, gently squeezing one and using his thumb to graze over my nipple.

I let out small moans into the kiss at the sensation, my back arching against his body.

He pushed himself harder onto me, making me feel his growing erection under his boxers, pressing against my core.

He moves from my lips and begins to kiss along my jaw and down my neck, sucking and lightly nibbling at my sensitive skin.

I let out soft moans at the sensation of this, bringing up my hips to rub against his erection in his boxers.

He lets out a groan and his hand begins to travel down my stomach and then in between my legs.

His finger slowly slides between my wet folds, making me bite my lip from moaning.

"You're so wet" he whispers as he continues sucking and kissing my neck.

He begins to very slowly and teasingly rub circles into my clit, making me moan louder.

He brings his face so it's right above mines, "you want me to fuck you baby?" He whispers.

I nod my head and look into his eyes as my lips separate and let out shaky moans.

"I want to hear you say it" he whispers back, his finger picking up pace slightly.

"i-i want you to fuck me" I say, basically breathlessly.

"How badly?" He whispers teasingly as his finger still rubs my clit.

"So badly" i whine out, my hands gripping the sheets either side of me.

"Good girl" he whispers back to me.

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