Chapter forty-two

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"Rafe just take me home and we can talk about this" my voice is shaky and quiet, the speed at which he is driving causing my heart to pound against my chest

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"Rafe just take me home and we can talk about this" my voice is shaky and quiet, the speed at which he is driving causing my heart to pound against my chest.

"Stop fucking talking" he snaps loudly over the sound of the buzzing car engine, making me flinch and sink into my seat.

I notice a small amount of white powder smudged over the dashboard in front of him, my brows furrowing for just a moment until it all suddenly makes sense.

This crazy asshole is high.

He's high and he's angry, which is quite possibly the worst thing Rafe could be.

The car comes to an aggressive halt when we've reached Tannyhill, my body jolting forward against the seatbelt.

"Get out" his voice is cold and assertive, but not as loud as it was only minutes ago.

"Rafe... I-" I begin.

"I said get out!" He shouts, swinging open his door and storming around to the passenger side.

Before I can even wrap my head around what on earth is going on, he's tightly gripping my elbow and practically pulling me out of my seat.

"Hurry the fuck up" he grunts, dragging me towards the front door, my feet stumbling beneath me as I try to stabilise myself.

He tugs me into the home, which unfortunately for me seems to be completely empty.

"Stop it! Calm down Rafe!" I try my hardest to stop him, but his strength very easily overpowers me.

He's now managed to get me up the stairs, roughly shoving me into his bedroom.

"Don't make a fucking sound" he points his finger at me, his bloodshot eyes staring daggers into mine.

Before I can say a word, he's storming off, slamming the bedroom door behind him.

"Wait, wait, stop!" I rush to follow him, but all I hear is the clicking sound of the door being locked.

I urgently pull at the handle, shaking it around in a panic when the realisation hits, he's actually locked me in his room.

"Let me out!" I shout, kicking my foot and slamming my fists against the door as hard as I can.

"Shit" I exclaim, coming to terms with the fact that I am in fact alone, and nobody is coming to help.

I scan my eyes around his room, looking for anything that could possibly help me.

I move over to his window, pulling at it with all my strength until my hands begin to ache.

I crane my neck in attempt to see if anyone outside could possibly hear or notice me, but the driveway is completely empty, all cars gone, including Rafe's bike.

I lean my forehead against the glass, closing my eyes and letting out exhale.

After a while of sitting in total hopelessness, I move away from the window, adamant that I will find a way out of here.

𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now