Chapter thirteen

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It's been two days since midsummers, and two days since I've seen or spoke to rafe

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It's been two days since midsummers, and two days since I've seen or spoke to rafe. I've always known he was a bit of a douche but the way he was acting around jj made my stomach flip in the worst way possible.

I've been avoiding him like the plague, purposely meeting Sarah at my house and keeping myself as far away from Tannyhill as I can.

Which is probably slightly immature of me but I can't even bare to look or think of him right now.

I don't even want to know what him and his asshole friends would've done to JJ if me or Sarah weren't there to intervene.

"So you think you and rafe will ever get married? Oooh I wanna soooo be an auntie" I hear Sarah ramble on, pulling me out of my zoned out state while I was looking out at the ocean in front of the country club.

I almost choke on my cocktail when I hear her say this, my eyes going wide and my cheeks burning.

"We will definitely not be getting married" I choke out through coughs.

She laughs and leans her head on her hand, "you're gonna have to talk to him at some point you know?" She adds a little more seriously.

I sigh and look out at the shining sun glistening over the blue ocean, "I know" I mumble.

"Might be a little sooner than you think" she replies nervously, making me snap my head towards her.

"What?" I say in worry, she nods her head over to something behind me, I quickly turn my head around and see topper, kelce and rafe walking out onto the country club patio, each with a drink in their hand.

"Shit" I mutter to myself and turn back to face sarah, "do you think they saw us?" I whisper shout to her.

"Uhhh... considering they're walking over here I think so" she mutter back, her eyes focused on them behind me.

"Fuck" I mumble as I see the sun become shaded over me and Sarah's table by the three boys standing over us.

"Mind if we sit?" Topper says, as the three of them sit down anyway.

"Sure, go ahead" Sarah says sarcastically, neither of us amused by the boys inviting themselves down.

Now that they've sat down, I notice they are weirdly alert, the three of them wide eyed and with bloodshot pupils.

Seriously? Coked out at 4:30 in the afternoon... on a Thursday?

I see Sarah staring over at me with the same realisation I'm having, she gives me a look as if to say "what the fuck?".

I give her a small shrug and twirl my straw around in my cup, filled with the yellow foamy alcoholic liquid.

"Did you see the way that little fucker fell to the ground? It was crazy man"

"Yeah dirty pogues thinking they can come over to this side of the island"

Immediately I'm snapped back to reality when I hear the boys talking, more specifically what they're saying.

"What are you talking about" i interrupt them, making the three of them stop talking and stare at me.

"We were golfing and that dirty pogue pop-" kelce begins to say until rafe stops him.

"Shut up man" rafe mutters to him, giving him a narrow eyed glare.

I stare between them, my brows furrowed and panic rushing through my body.

Did they say just pope? Did they hurt him? Was jj there?

I feel my palms begin to sweat and my stomach drop, I need to get out here now.

I quickly scurry out of my wooden chair and walk towards the glass patio doors, i rush inside the country club and towards the bathrooms.

"Baby wait" I hear someone behind me, their footsteps loud and fast.

They grab my wrist to stop me, making me spin around to be face to face with rafe.

"Where do you think you're going?" He hisses angrily at me.

"What did you do to pope?" I ask him in an accusatory tone.

He stares at me, blinking a few times, his grip on my wrist still tight, too tight for me to pull away.

"I.. uh..." he stammers, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand awkwardly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you rafe?" I mumble in disappointment, making his face drop and his gaze drift away from mines, hiding the guilty look on his face.

He drops my wrist from my hand and I quickly turn around and walk away, getting as far away from him as possible.

Before I can turn the corner into the hallway, I hear rafe shout out a bunch of unidentifiable profanities, then a loud bang.

I jump at the booming noise coming from behind me, making me quickly turn around to the sight of rafe pulling his bloody fist out from a newly made hole in the wall.

I sigh and spin back around, walking away from him and the mess that he's caused.

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