Chapter fourteen

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After the unexpected day at the country club, and no sign of rafe since, I've decided to stay over at Sarah's

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After the unexpected day at the country club, and no sign of rafe since, I've decided to stay over at Sarah's. Considering he probably won't be coming home tonight after how coked out and drunk he looked earlier.

Me and Sarah fell asleep in her bed when I wake up hearing noises coming from outside her room. I slowly get up and creep over to the door and opening it, to see rafe storming up the stairs.

I freeze and stare at him, not knowing whether to quickly go back into Sarah's room or confront him.

He sees me and his face looks like he's going through 15 different emotions at once.

"Hey" I say weakly as he walks over to me, before he says anything he pulls me into his room with a tight grip on my wrist, slamming the door as we enter.

"You have any idea how fucking crazy you're driving me?" He growls as he pushes me up against the wall.

I watch as his jaw clenches and his eyes darken as he stares down at me.

"n-no" i mutter nervously, finding it hard to maintain eye contact with him.

He grabs my chin roughly and forces me to look at him, "look at me when I talk to you" he hisses.

"Sorry" I whisper as I look into his darkened, glaring eyes.

"I think I need to show you how badly you fuck with my head" he whispers as he leans in closer to me, his voice rough and low.

He begins to kiss my neck and jaw possessively, nibbling lightly at the sensitive skin, making me begin to lose control and give into him.

"rafe this isn't a good idea" I whisper, my breathing ragged and my tone unconvincing.

"I don't fucking care, you're mines and I need you now" he growls against my neck. His hands beginning to roam down my back and down to my ass.

He squeezes it aggressively and brings his face right in front of mines, "you going to be a good girl?" He whispers tauntingly.

I stare up into his eyes and nod, "Use your words baby" he whispers, "I'll be a good girl for you" I whisper back, making him smirk.

He smashes his lips onto mines harshly, taking control over my whole body in a matter of seconds.

His tongue pushes past my lips as he takes control of the kiss, demanding entry to my mouth.

I bring my hand to the nape of his neck, pulling him in closer to me, immediately feeling his hard erection pushing against my body, making me feel weak.

He grunts at the friction of our bodies and begins to quickly pull off my T-shirt, chucking it on the ground next to him.

"I need to fuck you so badly" he mumbles into the kiss, squeezing my boobs over my bra roughly.

"Show me how badly you want me" I whisper back into the kiss, making him let out a groan and bend slightly, grabbing the back of my thighs and hoisting me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist.

He walks me over to the bed, setting me down with him right on top of me, pushing me into the mattress.

he impatiently tugs my shorts down, leaving me in only my bra and panties, looking down at me likes he's about to devour me any second.

He kisses me roughly, twirling his tongue around my mouth, making me moan softly into the kiss as I feel his body push between my legs.

his hand roams in between my thighs, trailing over my panties and groaning into the kiss, "you're already soaked" he mumbles as he pushes his fingers down a little harder, making me moan.

"Stop teasing me" i whimper, going to pull his shirt off. He uses his hand to help me and throws it on the floor along with my clothes.

"After all the little stunts you've been pulling, you deserve it" he grunts at me angrily, cupping my face in his hand.

"I'm sorry rafe" I moan as I feel his finger graze over my soaked panties tauntingly.

He chuckles darkly and looks down at me, "sorry isn't going to cut it baby" he mocks, a smirk growing on his face.

Before I can say anything else, he glares at me, "flip over onto your stomach" he demands.

I nod nervously and he gets off of me so I can move, I flip my body over so I'm on my knees and my back is arched, my stomach and boobs pressed against the bed.

"Such a good girl" he coo's condescendingly, his hands roaming over my ass before giving it a tight squeeze and a painful slap.

I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my jaw at the stinging pain radiating over my butt, letting out a quiet moan.

I hear him unbutton his pants from behind me, then feel his fingers slowly pull down my panties so they sit mid thigh.

He slides his fingers teasingly along my wet core, slowly pushing it inside of me, making me moan into the pillow.

"So fucking wet" he mutters as he slowly pumps his finger in and out of me.

I let out a louder moan into the pillow at the sensation of his fingers, my hands gripping the sheets tightly.

Suddenly he stops and I feel him remove his finger, before I can make any protests about him stopping, I feel the head of his cock tease my entrance.

Then within seconds he slams into me, leaving me no time to adjust to him.

I let out a gasp along with a loud moan into the pillow, almost screaming at the intensity.

His hands are on my ass as he thrusts into me hard and fast, "you like it rough don't you baby?" He asks as he fucks me senseless.

"Yes" is the only word I'm able to form through my frequent moans.

He continues to keep this pace going as his grunts get louder as he slams in and out of me without caring who can hear or the fact that it's three in the morning.

"Fuck rafe" I moan out, my breathing ragged and heavy, already feeling myself getting closer to climax.

"You take me so well" he groans as he pumps into me, his pace and roughness only getting more aggressive.

I feel the familiar feeling of my core tightening as I get closer and closer to climax, basically biting down at the pillow for support.

Rafe feels me start to tighten around him and thrusts into me harder, "cum for me" he grunts, making me lose all control.

I feel pleasure course through my body like fire, my body tenses up as I moan loudly into the pillow before I hear rafe groan loudly and fill me up with his cum.

We both begin to come down from our high, the only sound filling the room is our panting and breathing. He pulls out of me and I collapse onto the bed, my face smooshed into the pillow in exhaustion.

He lays down and pulls the covers over our bare bodies, Stroking my back gently as we both fall asleep almost immediately after.

(Sorry I wrote this at 4:30 in the morning I couldn't help it😐)

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