Chapter twenty

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When I realise that's it's 5:35pm I begin to panic, pissed off at myself for procrastinating so long on getting ready

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When I realise that's it's 5:35pm I begin to panic, pissed off at myself for procrastinating so long on getting ready.

I rush around my room, rummaging through the growing pile of different clothes that's accumulated on my bedroom floor.

I feel like smashing my head against a wall and throwing a fit just from knowing I'm now in a rush to get ready.

God I'm starting to sound like rafe.

After what felt like hours, I finally pick out a yellow spaghetti strap dress to wear. It's not too fancy for dinner at the country club, but it's nothing too casual either.

I glance at myself in the mirror, pleased with how the dress accentuates the summer tan I've developed the past month

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I glance at myself in the mirror, pleased with how the dress accentuates the summer tan I've developed the past month.

I notice I've got 10 minutes until my dad expects me to be ready, so I rush around my messy room trying to find my hair straighteners.

I definitely won't have enough time to apply any makeup now, but that's the last thing on my mind at the moment. All I can think about is the possibility that Rafe some how found out about jj being here earlier.

But that's basically impossible right? There no way he would ever find out.

"Annie!" I hear my dads voice boom from down stairs, I groan and rush out of my room, grabbing my purse on the way.

"I'm coming I'm coming" I mutter as I run down the stairs towards my dad who's waiting impatiently for me in the hallway.

He gives me a once over followed by a small smile, "you look nice honey, you ready to go?" he says as he grabs keys and wallet from the cabinet.

"Ready" I say, following behind him as we walk out of the house.


Me and my dad walk up the steps to the sleek wooden decked patio, instantly being greeted by the Cameron's who are already sat at a large table.

The first thing I notice is that Rose is with them, which is a rare occurrence on its own.

She's made her dislike for Rafe very clear, which I really don't blame her for. The poor woman married ward and got stuck with that brat of a child.

I'm pretty sure there was some sort of altercation between the two of them last year. Something along the lines of rose walking in on rafe taking coke in his dads office, and it ending in Rafe threatening her with a knife.

The details from Sarah were pretty hazy at the time she told me, I don't think she heard much about it, but she heard enough. Enough for me to be scared of being in the same room as him for months after.

Weird how how I started dating him half a year later right?

Despite her feelings for rafe, she's always very pleasant to me. To be honest I'm pretty sure she sympathises with me, knowing that I get the brunt of rafes attitude.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Sarah jumps up from her seat, embracing me in a tight hug.

"I heard what happened at the bonfire, are you okay?" She whispers, making me pull away from the hug, my eyes flickering over her concerned expression.

In a state of worry, I quickly look around to make sure nobody heard what she just said, especially my dad. Thankfully he's far too preoccupied with talking to the rest of the family to hear us.

"I'll talk to you about it later" I whisper back to her, she gives me a small nod and smiles, sensing that right now probably isn't the best time to discuss this, especially with Rafe right behind us.

I give her a weak smile to show my appreciation for her dropping it to quickly and we walk over to the table.

Rafe approaches me, an unusually happy smile on his face. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek softly. "Hey sweetheart" he says in that all too familiar fake voice he puts on in front of people.

I quickly realise his whole demeanour is all for show because my dad is here. Which annoys me but at the same time I'm not going to complain that he's being nice to me, even if it's pretend.

I give him a small smile as he pulls out a seat for me, making Sarah furrow her brows and snicker quietly, probably just as confused as I am.


Around an hour or so has passed and everyone at the table has just about finished their meals, chatting amongst themselves.

I've spent most of my meal talking to Sarah, occasionally engaging in conversation with ward and rose.

The strangest thing about tonight is how my dad and rafe spent a good majority of the time talking.

Well technically it was Rafe talking, but not the kind of Rafe I encounter.

As listening to whatever boring bullshit the men at the table talk about, I'm immediately distracted by the orange glowing sunset over the beach in front of us.

I watch the ocean glistening as multiple surfers glide over the waves effortlessly, making me smile to myself.

I'm snapped out of my admiration when I see a familiar blonde head of hair emerging from the water and walking over the sand, three others following behind him, all holding surfboards.

Luck must not be on my side today when my dad follows my eye line out onto the beach, spotting jj himself.

"Honey I think that's jj over there, you should go say hi" my dad tells me, making Rafe immediately stop talking to ward and look over at my dad, then at jj on the beach.

I chuckle nervously, feeling my palms get sweaty and my skin prickle with anxiety. "Me and jj aren't really friends anymore" I lie through my teeth to my dad.

"What? He was telling me you two spoke this morning out in the garden" he laughs, completely oblivious to the mess he's creating.

Rafes head snaps towards me, his whole fake happy demeanour disappearing within seconds.

It's as if all the blood has drained from my face at this point, an overwhelming surge of panic rushing through my body.


(Next chapter will be out later tonight!)

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