Chapter twelve

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Midsummers pt2 <3

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Midsummers pt2 <3

"Kie kie!" I exclaim excitedly to my friend kiara, she smiles widely at me and rushes through the crowded party to get to me.

"Annie!" She giggles, embracing me in a long hug, I squeeze her back in a loving hug and pull back.

"You look so good" I say, looking over her midsummers outfit.

She groans and chuckles, "I look like a bourgeoisie pig" she grimaces, making me burst out laughing.

"Well you look like a hot one" I say giving her a playful smirk.

"I see you're still dating that douche" she says nodding her head over to rafe who's talking to topper and kelce.

"Yup... almost five months" I say nodding my head, making her scrunch her face up.

"I don't know how you put up with him"

"Sometimes I don't know either"


Me and Sarah are progressively getting more drunk as the night goes on, sneaking drinks and hiding behind people so her family doesn't see.

We crouch down and both take large sips of a vodka someone gave us each, giggling like little kids.

"Care for a drink ladies?" I hear, me and Sarah turn around and it's jj, dressed in a fancy tux.

My face lights up and I smile "jj?! What the hell are you doing here?" I laugh.

"Heyward told me they needed workers tonight, wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to see you two" he says with a cheeky smile.

"I can't believe you're here" I chuckle, "yeah I'm a bit out of place here" he replies.

"Oh and Sarah, rose looks like she's going to poke someone's eye out real soon" he says, pointing over to Sarah's step mom.

Sarah bursts out laughing and looks over at rose talking to ward, nodding in agreement with jj.

"What is it with you rich people and your funny clothes" jj says, a playful grin on his face.

"I could ask you the same thing" I laugh, playing around with his bowtie that he's wearing, which very out of character for him.

"Oh well I had to play the part m'lady" he says, putting on a fake posh accent and doing a little bow.

Before I can even reply, I'm immediately taken aback and distressed by the sight of rafe and his little follower kelce walking up behind jj.

"Shit" I mutter under my breath.

Rafe puts his hand on jjs shoulder from behind and spins him around.

"I'm wonderin' if you could get me a mai tai, my friend" rafe says with that stupid smug smile on his face.

"Yeah Pogue, how about you make that two?" Kelce adds, making me roll my eyes.

Sarah gives me a look of worry and we both look back at the interaction between the three boys.

"I'm on the clock right now boys, but you two look spiffy!" Jj replies in a sarcastic tone.

I feel my stomach twist in knots at seeing rafe be so patronising and smug towards my friend, and I contemplate on interfering.

"Why don't you boys go Help yourselves to hors d'oeuvres" jj adds while pointing over to them, making rafe and kelce laugh obnoxiously.

"Oh hey! JJ's gonna serve us some hors d'oeuvres" rafe loudly exclaims mockingly, turning around to grab the attention of a couple more of his douche bag friends.

I notice jj is backing up from them slightly but rafe just keeps moving towards him.

"Jesus rafe just drop it" I say, walking in front of jj, I move my hand behind me to slightly shove jjs arm, indicating for him to leave.

"You defending that dirty little pouge now?" He seethes at me, his eyes narrowing angrily.

"You were being an asshole to him for no reason" I reply, making him scoff and laugh dryly.

"You like him or something? You care more about that dirty little fucker than me?" He says mockingly, making me sign and rub my temples with my hand.

"Rafe what the hell is your problem? Can you not take a break from being a complete dick for one night?" Sarah says from behind me, she takes my wrist and gently pulls me back a little.

"Sarah this has nothing to do with you" he hisses at her, making her groan and pull me away even more so she's standing in front of him.

"You really wanna disappoint dad more than you have already?" She sneers angrily, making rafes face drop and a slight flush of embarrassment cover his cheeks.

He looks at kelce next to him awkwardly and quickly regains his composure.

I watch as a muscle in his jaw twitches and his lips push together, like he's stopping himself from doing or saying anything to his sister.

"Come on, just leave it" I whisper to her, she turns her head around to me and nods.

She gently pulls me from my wrist away from rafe, through the crowd of people.

"God Annie I'm so sorry about him" she says as we sit down around the back of the club which is a lot less quiet. 

I shake my head, "It's not your fault" I sigh, making her take my hand and squeeze it.

"Did jj get away? I don't even want to know what rafe would do if he saw him again" I say quietly.

"He ran off somewhere, hopefully he's gone..." she reassures me, making me feel a little more at ease.

"He looked so angry, it scares me when he gets like that" I say quietly, making Sarah look at me with a pained expression.

She squeezes my hand again and rubs my back, "we shouldn't let him ruin our night, we've been looking forward to this for like-"

"364 days" I interrupt, making her smile and nod.

I smile weakly and lean my head on her shoulder, "let's go enjoy it then, I don't want that ass ruining it for me" I murmur, she wraps her arm around me and pulls me into her side.

"Come on, let's go" she says, sounding more cheery, making me smile a little wider.

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