Chapter forty

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"Hey" i grumble tiredly as i register my surroundings

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"Hey" i grumble tiredly as i register my surroundings. The sight of jj laying next to me shirtless blessing my eyes.

"Morning" he grins, smoke flowing out of his mouth smoothly as he speaks. A neatly rolled blunt sat between his thumb and index finger.

My nose is immediately hit with the strong stench of weed, the pungent scent making me feel nauseous.

"Couldn't have went outside with that?" I chuckle weakly, pulling the thin blanket over my seemingly bare body.

"Nope" he gives me an over the top smile as he leans his head back against the pillows beneath him.

"Like the new car by the way, very fancy" he snickers, my brows furrowing in response.


"The car outside-" he begins, but is cut off when I'm quickly sitting up from the bed in a panic.

"Shit" I hiss under my breath, scrambling to find whatever clothes are in arms reach.

I pick up jj's tee-shirt, pulling it over my head before standing up from the bed.

"What is it?" He asks in concern, sitting his own body up in the bed to look at me.

"That's my dad's car" I run my fingers through my hair, aimlessly looking around the room for something to put on my bottom half.

"Here" jj tosses over a pair of boxers.

"I hope these are clean" I grimace before sliding them over my legs and pulling them up.

"Wait why is your dad's-" he begins, but I'm already swinging the door open.

"I'll be back in a minute" I interrupt him as I rush out of the bedroom, retrieving the car keys before hastily shutting the door behind me.

I scamper out into the narrow hallway of the chateau, my hurried footsteps no doubt waking up anyone else who's asleep in here.

I slip on a pair of shoes that are evidently at least three sizes too big for me as I race out the front door. Almost tripping over my own feet as I approach the car.

I'm quick to grab my phone from the passenger seat, anxiety settling deep within me when I see the copious amount of missed calls and texts.

My thumb urgently swipes through the notifications that are hoarded on my Lock Screen.

My heart skips a beat when I see the Rafe's name.

Rafe: 8.27pm missed call (6)

Rafe: 8.35pm- what the fuck is wrong with you

Rafe: 8.47pm- where are you?!

Rafe: 8.55pm- Annie I swear to god if I find out you're with him I'll kill you

Rafe: 9.04pm missed call (12)

My stomach is twisting into knots as I try stopping myself from reading any further, switching my phone off and gripping it in my now sweaty hand.

I walk back into the chateau, kicking off the shoes and walking back through to the bedroom where I left jj.

He sits up when I walk in, his face contorting into one of worry. "You okay?"

I give him a weak hum of agreement as I slump down on the bed, letting out a sigh as my head flops against the pillow.

He rolls over onto his side, using his elbow to support his head as he looks at me.

"Annie what's wrong" he asks, being more firm with his words when he talks, making me grow exceedingly more nervous.

I rub my hands down my face, letting out a groan in the process. "Just got in an argument with my dad last night, that's all"

He nods slowly, his brows knitting together as if he's doubting what I'm telling him.

"Right" he speaks hesitantly, his teeth gnawing into his bottom lip while he sits in silence for a moment.

"How did that end up in you stealing his car to drive here then?" He asks, his voice holding a small hint of an accusatory tone.

I move my head to the side to look at him, chewing the inside of my cheek apprehensively. "I was at the Camerons' last night for dinner, remember?"

"Mmm hmm" he hums, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Before I can say another word, my phone begins buzzing, vibrating on the bed where I tossed it when I came back in.

jj leans himself up, grabbing the phone and looking at the name on the caller id.

Just the look on his face makes me want to curl up in a ball and die, a chill running down my spine as I watch him in distress.

"It's Rafe" his voice is cold and lacking emotion, his face hardening up as he shoves the phone at me.

I blink a couple times, unsure of what to do right now. I can either continue lying to him, acting as if I have no idea why my psychotic ex boyfriend is calling.

Or I can tell him the truth. Which is certainly going to be a lot harder now, after the events that took place right in this very bed last night.

"Go on. Answer it" he urges me, his voice continuing to maintain that curt tone.

My shaky finger hovers over the screen, before finally pressing against it and bringing it to my ear.

I can't even get a word out before Rafe is essentially shouting down the phone.

"Where the fuck are you?" His voice loud enough that jj can hear, who's not taken his eyes off me once.

"I- uh..." I mutter, my nerves surprisingly not growing worse from Rafe, but from jj who's watching me intently.

"You not going to tell him?" jj laughs in an un-humorous and obnoxious way, shaking his head in disbelief.

My eyes widen when he speaks, fully aware he's purposefully talking at such a volume that Rafe will hear.

"That's him isn't it? Annie I swear to fucking god if you're with that dirty pogue I'll kill you" he exclaims angrily over the phone, making me flinch and pull the phone away from my ear slightly.

I'm sat here practically dumbfounded, unable to form words as I feel my chest grow tighter and tighter.

"You're back with him aren't you?" jj asks bitterly, his voice low and husky.

"No,no I just-" I stammer out before he's interjecting.

"So what? Was I just some random fuck for you while you and your boyfriend were arguing?" He spits out, every single word feeling as if I'm being stabbed repeatedly in the gut.

Rafe has now went utterly silent, faint breathing the only sound that's heard over the phone.

After a moment, I hear two beeping sounds. I pull the phone away from my ear as I look down at the screen, seeing he's hung up the call.

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