Chapter three

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I park up outside tannyhill, sending Sarah a quick text to let her know I'm here.

Within seconds she's at the front door waiting for me, with an excited look on her face.

I smile instantly at the sight of her. She reminds me of an excited puppy, absolute polar opposite to her brother, which I find a little odd but I just go with it.

I jump out my car and grab my bag from the passenger seat and begin walking up to her. She immediately embraces me in a tight hug, swaying my body back and forth.

I giggle and hug her back, "Sarah you saw me this morning" I giggle as she lets go.

"I knowww but I'm just so excited for tonight, it's like the party of the summer" she says in her playful high pitched voice as we walk into her main hallway.

"Mhm... you sure it isn't because it's at Toppers house?" I tease her.

She rolls her eyes playfully and gently shoves me.

"Shut up or rafe will hear you and he's such a-" she begins but gets cut off by rafe walking towards us.

"I'm such a what?" Rafe asks, making his way down the stairs.

Sarah rolls her eyes and puts her finger up to her lips, making sure I stay quiet about topper.

I giggle and nod, reassuring her that I'm keep my mouth shut.

Rafe walks up to me with a cheeky grin on his face, "you're late" he says, making me furrow my brows slightly. He waves his phone in front of my face and the time is 5:08.

I chuckle at him, "sorry I was... eight minutes late" I say in a sarcastic tone, grinning at him.

"I just hope that dirty pouge wasn't trying to keep you from me" he says, holding my waist.

I know he's slightly messing with me... but his firm grip on my waist makes me believe there's some seriousness to his voice.

I roll my eyes at him, I hate when he says things like this about pogues, even more pogues that are my friends.

"You're so mean" I say to him, making him grin.

"You love me really" he grins, still holding my waist tightly.

"Mhm" i hum, taking notice to rafes eyes glaring over my body, more specifically my outfit.

He begins to play with the hem of my tank top, keeping his other hand gripped on my waist.

"I hope you didn't let that little freak see you in this?" He asks in a hushed tone, his eyes roaming back up to my face.

Before I can reply, and presumably lie to him, Sarah walks over to me and looks at rafe.

"I'm stealing your girlfriend now" she sings out, holding my arm to pull me away from him.

I giggle and look at rafe, giving him a shrug.

"Sorry babe, I'm needed elsewhere" I smile at him. He gives Sarah an annoyed look before dropping his hands from my waist.

I quickly reach up and peck his lips before following Sarah up to her room.


Me and Sarah are now just about ready for tonight, she's wearing a cute baby pink satin dress, which really suits her blonde hair.

I'm wearing my black spaghetti strap dress with a small slit up the side, ending mid thigh.

it's tight and accentuates my body in a flattering way. I've decided to pair the dress with small black heels and my Tiffany double heart pendant necklace Rafe got me last month.

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