Chapter seventeen

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The bonfire pt

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The bonfire pt.2

"Shit" I mumble under my breath as I see jj and John b approaching me, coming to terms with my impending doom.

A part of me is relieved that I'm standing with my back facing Rafe, just his expression alone would make me one hundred times more anxiety ridden.

That small sense of relief is soon washed away when I feel him tense up behind me and I see the look on topper and kelce's face when they notice rafe's demeanour change.

jj and John b are now standing a few feet away from me. John b has an apprehensive look on his face, I can tell he definitely doesn't think this is a good idea.

Whereas jj doesn't seem to care, his lips quirking up into a cheeky, troublesome grin.

"Hey Annie, good to see you here" jj exclaims in an over exaggerated tone.

I see toppers eyes flicker between me, jj and rafe in worry, whist kelce is just staring daggers in the two pogues direction.

"Hey guys" I say, my voice cracking nervously, finally speaking for the first time in what felt like forever.

I feel rafes hands move from my shoulders and down to my waist, his fingers digging into my skin over my shirt. Feeling his burning jealousy just from his touch alone.

jj's eyes scan over me, taking a particular interest in the T-shirt I'm wearing and the way rafe is holding me. Making him let out a small scoff, followed by a snicker.

Rafes grip on my body tightens, causing me to be in a slight amount of discomfort now.

"Something funny pogue?" Rafe sneers from behind me.

I glance at jj, giving him a look as if to say "please don't", he stares back at me for a moment longer before moving his attention back to rafe.

"Oh nothing man" jj chuckles mockingly at rafe.

Rafe pulls me to his side so I'm not between him and jj anymore, I slightly stumble as he roughly manhandles me but regain my balance quickly.

"I'll talk to you guys later okay?" I say to jj and John b, trying my best to defuse the tension and signalling to them to leave the situation.

"Yeah good idea, jj come on" John b says in a calm tone, but jj doesn't want to leave just yet.

"Come on dude, Annie won't mind us hanging out here for a bit" jj replies to John b, obviously trying to get under rafes skin.

"Right princess?" He adds, looking at me.

Suddenly rafes hand is on my chest, pushing me back slightly as he moves closer to jj, scowling at him with that all too familiar exasperated expression.

"Get the fuck out of here pogue" rafe warns jj. But this doesn't phase him at all, the only thing this does is make the cheeky grin on jjs lips to widen.

"Nah man, I'm good here... seems like your girlfriend is good with that too" jj teases, getting a thrill out of pissing off rafe.

I look at topper giving him a worried look, he senses my discomfort and puts his hand on rafes shoulder, trying to pull him away from the situation.

"Rafe just leave it dude" topper says, making rafe look at him then back at me.

He takes a sharp breath in and walks away from jj and towards me, taking ahold of my wrist to walk away from them.

"Text me when you're done with that psycho dickhead princess" jj shouts out.

Before I can say even comprehend what is happening, rafe let's go of my wrist and turns around, swinging at jjs face with his fist.

My hand flies up to my mouth as I let out a gasp, everyone around us noticing the confrontation between the two boys, crowding around them in interest.

Right before I can even attempt to diffuse the situation, jj is swinging back at rafe, his fist coming into contact with his face.

I try to pull back rafes arm from continuing this fight, but all he does is shove me back angrily, making me stumble backwards and land on my ass.

"Shit Annie" I hear from above me, I let out a groan at the pain radiating over my body.

I look up and see John b looking down at me, reaching down and pulling me up. "Are you okay?" He asks worried.

I nod quickly and wipe off any of the dry dirt that's probably covered my behind.

Within the small amount of time that I wasn't paying attention to the two boys, it's now escalated into a full blown fight.

They're tackling each other while throwing punches, blood trickling down jjs nose and a bruise that's already turning a deep shade of red and purple on his cheekbone.

"Fuck sakes do something!" I shout at kelce and topper, making them grab rafe and pull him off jj.

They drag him away from the crowd, John b pulling jj towards the Twinkie over in the other direction.

"Why the fuck did yous pull me off of him" Rafe grumbles in irritation as we reach his car in a more quiet and less crowded area.

I take a look at his face and see his newly busted up lip and bruised eye. "Jesus rafe why did you have to hit him!" I snap, finally letting the built up anxiety and anger get the best of me.

He looks at me sharply, narrowing his eyes at me as he uses the back of his hand to wipe up the blood dripping down his chin.

"He's lucky I didn't fucking kill him" he hisses, making me roll my eyes and get into the back of the car, the rest of them following behind me.

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