Chapter eleven

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Midsummers pt.1

I wake up with a smile on my face knowing what today is, midsummers.

I stretch and get out of bed to shower before meeting Sarah, we are picking out our dresses for tonight and I couldn't be more excited.

Me and Sarah have been talking about midsummers since last year, basically planning it out for 364 days after the last one.

Except this year Sarah's dad will be receiving an award, so her family will be walking out together, me and topper included.

I don't know exactly what ward is getting an award for, my dad keeps saying he's being coronated as 'Guardian of Knights of the Rhododendron'... whatever that means.

Sounds like a load of nonsense, but rich people will do anything to celebrate other rich people I guess.


"Outside" I text Sarah once I've parked outside Tannyhill, moments later she's rushing towards the car with an excited look on her face.

"Midsummerssss!" she squeals as she gets in the passenger seat, making me laugh, "woohoo" i exclaim and I begin to pull out and drive into town.

"I can't believe you're going to be walking out with us tonight, it's like we are sisters" she giggles, making me smile.

"I can't believe you're walking out with topper" I say, glancing at her for a moment, giving her a cheeky smile.

She grins and nudges my arm playfully, "yeah and you're walking out with my asshole brother, if I had told you last year that you would be with rafe, especially tonight of all nights, you would've laughed in my face"

I groan and laugh "I know... he really is an ass" I chuckle.

"Yeah you don't have to live with the guy" she giggles.


"Oooh what about this one?" Sarah says as she picks out a white off the shoulder dress, I smile and nod.

"That's the one! it's so pretty" I exclaim, she giggles excitedly and goes off to the fitting rooms to try it on.

While Sarah is trying on her dress, I'm still debating what to get for myself, until I see the perfect one... I can already envision how I'll wear it, it's basically perfect for tonight.

I brush my hand over it, admiring how beautiful is is, until I'm called out by Sarah.

I quickly grab the dress and hold it over my arm, then make my way to the fitting room.

Sarah smiles and does a goofy little twirl, showing off the pretty dress she's wearing.

I clap my hands together happily, "so so perfect" i cheer, making her smile wider and admire herself in the mirror.


We pay for our dresses, along with a small flower crown each, and some other accessories to go along with our outfits.

We are now walking around town, when we walk past heywards seafood shack, with pope and his dad standing outside on the deck.

"Pope!" I call out, him and his dad both look up at us, popes face lighting up and waving over at us.

Me and Sarah walk up the wooden steps up to the deck of the shack, "my favourite kooks" he jokes and we do our silly little handshake we made up a couple of years ago.

"What's up pope" Sarah says to him, giving him a friendly hug.

"I've missed you guys" pope exclaims happily, making me grin.

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