Chapter thirty-six

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My head is pounding and my mouth is dry, the taste of alcohol still lingering on my tongue as my body forces me awake

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My head is pounding and my mouth is dry, the taste of alcohol still lingering on my tongue as my body forces me awake.

"jj?" I groan quietly as my eyes barely open, not even having time to register my surroundings when I hear a voice next to me.

"Please don't call me that" they grumble, the bed shifting from their weight as they roll over.

My eyes shoot open, to see that I'm in none other than Rafe's bedroom.

In his bed.


I lift the covers up just a little, peaking under for just a second to confirm my suspicions.

I'm naked.

I lift my head up to see our clothes left scattered in a trail leading from the door.

"This is bad, we shouldn't have done this" i begin to stress, sitting up to see Rafe looking back at me, seemingly not having a care in the world.

"That is not what you were saying last night"

I shoot him a look as I shuffle off of the bed, wrapping a bedsheet tightly around my bare body.

"That was last night, and I was drunk" I mutter as I begin grabbing my clothes from the floor.

Just being back in this room again, seeing his things, smelling his scent, it's all too much for my hungover brain to comprehend.

I could've slept with anyone last night, why'd it have to be him of all people.

"Where the hell is my tee-shirt"

"That might've ended up coming off before we got into the room" he chuckles softly, his voice still raspy from just waking up.

"You've got to be kidding me" I whisper in frustration as I swing open his bedroom door before thinking about the fact that someone could see me.

Luck really isn't on my side today, because Ward just walked out of his office, leaving me standing there like a deer caught in headlights.

My eyes go wide before I quickly retrieve my pink top from the ground, swiftly closing the door before either of us could say anything.

I can hear Rafe laughing from the bed, clearly having caught that little interaction between me and his dad.

"It's not funny Rafe, he'll tell my dad then I'll never hear the end of it"

He just hums out tiredly, completely dismissing my words as he sits up on the bed a little more.

"Stop being so over dramatic"

"I'm not being over dramatic" I begin as I start to pull my clothes on, making sure to keep my body facing away from him as I do it.

"I just don't want him telling jj"

𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now