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Pairing: Acelu
Type: One-shot
Category: Arabasta Fluff LMAO

Bare with me. This story was from a year ago and it's unfinished as of right now :p


"Luffy!" A man's voice shouted from behind him. Luffy immediately recognized it as he turned himself around and started running towards his older brother.

"Aaaace!!!!" He yelled back, launching himself at the tall freckled young adult who was welcoming the rubbery rocket into his muscular arms.

The rest of the crew watched in silence as they couldn't figure or hear about what was going on. Though they were just reunited, the two men giggled and held each other tightly in a way so familiar like they've been there forever.

After a while, both of them pulled back, each with a wide grin on their faces. Luffy's crew continued to stare in surprise as Luffy announced the following message.

"Guys! Meet my big brother Ace!" Luffy exclaimed. The slightly older guy smiled and waved warmly. Nami was fascinated at how attractive he looked, considering the fact that he was completely shirtless.

"He sure is handsome." Usopp nodded in agreement, noticing Nami's reaction.

"Ahaha thank you! It's a pleasure meeting you all!" Ace laughed as he bowed to the small crowd.

"Pleasure is all ours! So what brings you here, Ace-san?" Vivi asked politely.

"Nothing much. Here to hunt someone down, but also to see my little brother again." Ace said, giving Luffy a little ruffle and a noogie.

"Well Ace, it's getting kinda late, so you wanna join us for the night in the shade?" Sanji called out from a rock a yard away. He was busy frying up anything he could find to create a meal for the large crew.

"Tsk. Didn't know lovecook would invite any guest other than women to join you." Zoro muttered in a teasingly way.

This made Sanji mad, "You said something, Mosshead???"

Aaaaand before they knew it, they found themselves engaged in a full fledged fight involving swords and feet. And in the middle stood a scared Chopper, trying to prevent injuries from both parties.

"Hey! Cut it out already you two!" Nami screamed and ran toward the two idiots.

Ace chuckled at the scene, "Say Luffy, what a crew you've got yourself!"

Luffy beamed back at Ace, "I know right? We're always having fun even when we're not beating up bad guys!"

Ace smiled, "Gee, how many years has it been?"

Luffy paused to think about it, only to reply with a useless answer, "I'unno." He shrugged and Ace couldn't help but break into laughter.

"You haven't changed even a bit, Luffy!"

Luffy grinned at this, "And so haven't you!" He answered back.

Ace chuckled again and sat himself down on the rock behind him. The cold texture felt nice against his skin as his eyes wandered through the mysterious night. Luffy saw this and took a moment to sit down beside his older brother too. He looked up at Ace and at the sky. Ace then felt his little brother's messy raven nest plop on to his shoulder, tickling his neck a bit. Ace looked down and expectedly found Luffy sound asleep.

Ace sighed and ruffled Luffy's hair before giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"Love you, Luffy." He whispered and leaned in to burry his face into his little brother's thick black hair.

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