
83 1 0

Pairing: AceLu
Level: Cutesy
Type: Drabble
Category: Fluff
Rating: T?

OOC and trash composition hehe


Having Ace visit Luffy and also join his crew for a little while-- a dream come true for the Straw Hat wearing rookie. 

Okay, maybe Ace wasn't actually joining his crew, but to Luffy, it definitely counted. If the hyperactive 17 year old hadn't been a big issue for being a ball of literal energy, he was definitely now, but 5 times worse. Let's just say the entire crew constantly wanted to hop off the Merry and drown at sea because of their captain.

Don't worry. That was a very common emotion for anyone that met the teen. He made everyone he'd ever encounter lose millions of braincells within seconds.

While the crew was certainly impressed at how cool and different their captain's big brother is, their thoughts and feelings were certainly nothing compared to the endless amounts of emotions coming from the captain himself. Luffy kept his eyes on Ace and no one else the entire time he was present. It was almost concerning, but the straw hats figured it was because of how bad they missed each other.

"Ace, 'vgotta question." Luffy mumbled as he chewed on a drumstick. 

Ace turned to look at him, "Yeah? What's it?" 

"Where'd your shirt go?" 

Ace was dumbfounded by this.. question. He blinked in surprise, "Uh.. come again?"

"Y'know, your yellow shirt when you set off," Luffy replied without looking at him, "Think you looked better with it."

"Oh that old thing?" Ace chuckled with a raised brow, half confused by why his little brother was asking such a thing, "It couldn't handle fire so it got burnt up, plus I look much be- wait what'd you say?"

Silence lasted for an entire minute between both boys, as Ace just confusedly stared at Luffy and Luffy ignored him.

Finally Luffy turned around, "Wear a shirt." He stated, grabbing a blanket and wrapping his older brother up into a sleeping bag.

"Why?" Ace snorted. His voice had bit of tease in his puzzlement, "What's wrong with me without it? It mean something special to you?"

"No, I just- buncha people were staring at you earlier today y'know!" Luffy started to fidget with the sand on the ground. Like he was trying to find a distraction, while still getting his point across.

"Uh-huh?" Ace nodded, not seeing his point.

"And they were.. y'know... being.. weird." Luffy's voice trailed off. 

"What's that gotta do with my- oh." Ace immediately grinned as he realized. He leaned forward to find Luffy's expression, who flinched and looked away.

"So it isn't just about the shirt." The straw hat's older brother hummed in a singsong voice. He smiled smugly as he placed a hand on Luffy's shoulder, "You know what you're feeling right now?"

"Feel what?" Luffy muttered, not quite interested in the topic.

"You're jealous."

Those words were enough to make Luffy fume. For what reason? There were none. Just instinct probably.

[OP] Of the Good and Bad / AceLu One shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now