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Prompt given by my awesome friend!

Pairing: AceLu
Level: Not freaky sadly.
Category: H/C
Type: Oneshot
Rating: probably like T or M

Please bare with me I do not beta read and the plot is like everywhere. It's probably an awful read.. so sorry..

There's also a major OOC warning.

So angsty lingerie, huh? Okay..


Like any other day of the week, Ace was feeling like a piece of shit today.

No, he was just feeling really shitty. Maybe it was because of the blazing weather or the extra narcoleptic fits he'd had on this very day.

Ace had been sent back to his house without his own consent due to the number of times he fell asleep in class. The teachers didn't even ask for his permission. Early in the morning, too. And Ace was pissed.

Now he was lounging on the couch, turning the TV on an off as he stared at the flashing screen with a bored expression.

He couldn't see Luffy. Luffy was still in school. And it would take around 5 more long hours of a Luffy-less life for it to be over. By that time, Ace would have been buried 5 meters into the ground.

Oh, how Ace hated being alive without Luffy beside him. With no boisterous ball of energy near him, Ace began to feel the negativity creep back again.

On top of his unstable feelings, the damned rash was starting to itch again.

Ace tried to ignore it. He really did. But it just wasn't working. The itch seemed to get worse as he gently scratched it.

"Fuck." Ace cursed at his itching wrist, "Couldn't you have picked a better time??" He then started to scratch more, digging his nails deep into his skin. It wouldn't stop. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, this is so fucking annoying!!" Ace yelled and kicked the table in front of him to the ground. His outburst shocked himself, but he was too frustrated to react to it.

He sighed and decided to get some fresh air. Maybe that would do him a bit of good. Ace didn't even bother to wear his shoes. He stepped outside half naked and barefooted. He wandered down the street like a madman earning appalling looks from neighbours.


So it wasn't planned for Luffy to bump into Ace outside after shopping. The bar was right next to the mall, therefore it didn't take brains to figure out where Ace had gone to. He completely looked like a different person, but hell, Luffy would recognize him any day.

"Ace!!" Luffy cried out, his eyes widened when he saw the awful state his lover was in. He looked like he was homeless, just minus a wacky beard that the young adult was lacking, "God what happened to you? You're bleeding everywhere, did you get into a fight??" Luffy was full of questions as he dropped his bags immediately and rushed over.

Ace only grunted in response. It seemed like he was drunk too. Luffy wrinkled his nose as the stench of alcohol emitted from his soaking wet hair. A few pieces of glass can be seen too.

Luffy took out a few paper towels from the food court he had stored in his pocket earlier to wipe some of it off. "Gosh, we need to get you cleaned up... are you okay, Ace?" He didn't stop his effort on getting Ace to talk. Seeing him like this broke his heart, because something was wrong and he needed to know what it was.

"Please, Ace," Luffy crouched down and tried to look into his eyes, "Tell me who hurt you and I'll go win the fight for you."

"I did win..." Ace rolled his eyes and grumbled, "But you weren't there."

[OP] Of the Good and Bad / AceLu One shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now