
133 6 5

Pairings: None; Brotherly ASL
Type: Drabble


Ever since I consumed the flame fruit, I've been feeling Ace's presence beside me.

Especially when I used the fruit's powers, when fire came out. Ace was in the fire. I could see him. He was there.

In combat, he helped me. Ace was of course, far more experienced than I was at controlling the devil fruit, and his presence seemed to enhance the fruit to such a strong level. 

Sometimes the fire would move by itself. Without me controlling it. Every time that happened, I knew it was him. 

Luffy was still his number 1 priority. Sometimes Ace would bug me to go see Luffy. I went to aid Luffy with fighting an enemy. As soon as I created a flame, a totally uncalled for explosion burst out of my hands, burning 5 enemy ships around us. Ace was still as hotheaded as ever, even in his afterlife. The flames went before I could even direct them.

I could tell Ace really wanted to talk to Luffy. But he'll just end up burning up the Sunny and we don't want that. Nope. Definitely don't. Luckily, I was in charge of activating or disabling my powers, so I let the flames come back. Ace can yell at me later, because Luffy's safety was the most important. I'm sure he'd understand that.

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