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Pairing: AceLu
Level: Only if you squint
Category: Fluff
Type: Drabble-shot


Ace hummed a tune as he reached his hand out of his window to tap it to the beat. He blasted his music, not caring about the looks he was getting from neighboring cars in the traffic. 

Ace turned right on an exit going toward a local street. Just then he felt a harsh impact that shook his entire car. Ace immediately turned off the radio and pushed up his sunglasses. He stuck his head out to see that a motorcycle had crashed into his car.

"Holy shit!!" A muffled yell came from the man wearing a helmet. Ace watched in shock as he got off of his motorcycle. Ace noticed he was around average height and kind of scrawny in build.

Ace sighed and powered his engine off. He threw the car keys to the backseat and stepped out of the vehicle.

"Yeah.. shit, I'm sorry for this, man, there's usually nobody on this road.." The man mumbled and apologized repeatedly. He slipped the helmet off his head, and unleashed his short, but wildly messy black hair. He ended up tucking the helmet under his arm. Ace thought he was rather cute looking with his big owlish eyes, to be honest. The man had tan skin and a small scar on one of his cheeks.

"It's... fine... you're all good." Ace said rather calmly, as he absentmindedly dialing 911. He was a bit too distracted by the man's looks, completely forgetting the fact that his beloved car just received a brutal headbutt from the other's motorcycle.

"Okay," The other replied sheepishly. He sucked in his lips and diverted his gaze to the awful crash, shifting his weight from a leg to another.

"Did you get hurt?" Ace's voice caught him off guard. He noticed the other jump a little.

"Nah, no, I didn't get hurt," He responded quickly, giving a tiny smile, but instantly dropping it as he remembered the situation they were in. He glanced upward, "Did.. you?"

"No," Ace shrugged a little, "But I'm sure the vehicles are very hurt." He chuckles scoffingly.

The other tensed up and stared at the helmet in his hands, "Sorry about that..." He muttered through his gritted teeth. Ashamed of what happened, and even more ashamed that Ace was bringing it up like that.

Ace noticed his expression and he knew he had to clear the misunderstanding, "Ah, my apologies- I was joking around, I hope you don't mind."

He saw the shorter male's eyes widen at his statement, his face was a little flushed, "Oh! My bad, I don't mind." He smiled bashfully.

"So, while we're waiting for the police to come pick up our junk," Ace smiled and leaned against his car, "Wanna break the ice a little between us?"

"I just crashed into your car and you wanna get to know me?" The male laughed as he raised an eyebrow at the bold request.

"I mean, yeah," Ace bit his lip as he grinned smugly, "I do have the right to know who the feral monkey outlaw that rammed into my poor car is, am I correct? Y'know, just so I'm ready when it's time for me to bring justice to my car." 

The insulting nickname made the other burst into laughter, doubling over to hold his stomach, his grip weakening on his helmet, "Sh-Sh! Damnit! I really didn't mean to!"

Ace chuckled, "Okay, okay, lets try this again, what's your name?"

"I- I'm Monkey D. Luffy" He answered in between persistent laughs that gradually died down.

"Luffy, huh? Alright. Spell that for me real quick? I gotta write it down on my Death Note." Ace nodded as he pulled out a memo pad and pretended to write on it.

Luffy laughed harder, nearly cringing into a ball on the asphalt concrete beneath them, "Nooo stoop!!!" Strained wheezes came out.

Ace grinned, he liked the effect he was having on Luffy-- He laughed at everything he said and it was so unbearably cute. Sure, Ace pulled girls and guys almost all the time with his personality, but just watching Luffy heartily laugh his guts out made Ace feel fuzzy inside.

"I'm Ace. Portgas D. Ace. It's nice to meet you," He beamed and reached a hand out to help the crumpled laughing mess get back on his feet.

"Ahem! Nice to meet you too, Ace!" Luffy nodded with a smile once he was free from his guffaws. He took his hand and stood up. 

Ace smirked, "No puns or jokes 'bout my name or anything of that sort?"

Luffy snickered, "Nope! I can't really think of any right now... but I'll get you back in a text once I do!"

Ace raised his eyebrows in amusement, "Damn, did you just ask for my number in the smoothest way possible?"

"Maybe I did," Luffy answered triumphantly.

Ace chuckled, "You really are something else." He pulled out his phone from his pocket. Luffy quickly turned around and set his helmet on the seat of his motorcycle. He then took out his phone as well, unlocking it and getting into his contacts list.

"Thanks," Luffy said, grinning from ear to ear, "Now I know who to spam call when I'm bored."

"Oh you don't even know what you've got yourself into," Ace retorted, with a laid back smirk, shoving his phone back into his pocket, "So how're you planning to repay me for the damage?"

"Treasure tab!" Luffy exclaimed with a giddy smile.

"Treasure tab? What's that?" Ace chuckled.

"Insurance company." 

[OP] Of the Good and Bad / AceLu One shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now