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Damn I started shipping AceLu/joined the OP fandom in February, and so I wrote and posted my first 3 oneshots/drabbles.

Truth is, I never expected them to blow up like that, nor did I believe I'd receive any attention for a rare ship like AceLu.

No regrets, they're too cute. It's my OTP. Call me messed up, but as far as I'm concerned, two Ds can get married without a child acquiring any birth defects.

Anyway, here's the prequel of "Brothers" from my "AceLu Drabbles" book.


His screaming died out to the power of the emptiness. The rest of the world vanished from the corner of Luffy's eye whites. He already felt the darkness consume him as he could feel with all of his senses that Ace was going to leave him.

Ace was going to leave him alone in this world. Ace was going to die. Ace was breaking his promise.

Thoughts like these hadn't even gotten the chance to cross the shattered boy's mind as he felt himself being drenched in agony and despair.

Luffy was falling. So dark. So deep down. It was so empty and void.

And Ace wouldn't be there to secure him, to hold him, to assure him that everything was fine. To tell him he would catch him, no matter how high he dropped from.

Luffy had a cushion. He took him away from his worries, allowing him to be fully carefree.

What a cushion, in fact. Sturdy enough to hold his weight, yet soft.. warm enough for him to never feel the coldness of the ground.

Luffy didn't have to feel the ground if Ace was there.

He didn't even have to acknowledge its existence.

And now Luffy was falling into nothing. It was empty. Glass shattering layer by layer as Luffy felt himself falling through. The shards flew wildly and scarred his skin, leaving wounds even though nothing could compare with that of his heart.

'Have I given up..?' Luffy asked himself silently, 'Brook... Franky... Robin... Chopper... Sanji... Usopp... Nami... Zoro..."

Sweet memories of his amazing crew began replaying through his mind. They made him feel slightly warm inside. But...

Luffy's lips parted as he felt himself utter the last name left.


The word dropped out of his mouth senselessly. It was wrong to feel so numb, but Luffy couldn't even move, nor would he stop the pain, no matter how much he wanted to.

Luffy opened his eyes slightly with the last bit of his consciousness to the sound of someone banging on the glass they were trapped in.

The man was desperate. And the elevator was going down faster and faster. Luffy then realized that there was not one, but many prisoners were descended down in glass boxes.

'How come I'm not in a glass box..? Is there a chance I might still be able to get out of here?'

Luffy's thoughts were as subconscious as he was himself.

It was growing colder and colder, mile by mile of falling.

Where were they even headed?

To Luffy's shock, he'd been dropped off onto a platform. Quite a rough landing. Ouch.

Luffy slowly pushed himself up from the hard surface. It was smooth but awfully cold.

'Like the dead.'

[OP] Of the Good and Bad / AceLu One shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now