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Forgive me- I wrote this when my eyes were super blurry and I could basically see nothing.

Pairing: AceLu
Level: Light
Type: Drabbleshot
Category: Angst


It had always been Luffy over his wants, himself, and his death.

Why his death? Why was that even included?

It's quite an obvious answer that we should all know of at this point.

Ace never felt he was worthy of being born.

He never felt he was worthy of living.

He never felt he was worthy of getting to know Luffy.

Sometimes Luffy made him feel worthy.

But other times he made him feel even more worthless.

No. Luffy would never hurt him in any way. It was all Ace himself.

Ace just felt like he didn't fit.

Not on this world.. He didn't fit anywhere. 

Thinking about shit like that overloaded the kid. He did not want to deal with the bullcrap he didn't, and didn't want to understand.

But there was Luffy. And it was quite fucking easy for Ace to leave, but then, his changed self would feel guilty about leaving the innocent, gullible little brother.

It was a tricky situation. So Ace just left the entire thing on hold before he could figure something out.

The "hold" on his life ended up being many years. Watching his little brother grow stronger made his heavy heart lighter.

Well maybe he was going out to the wide ocean, to see for himself. There just might be a slight chance he could find somewhere he could finally fit in.

So Ace hunted, with a goal in mind, gathering a crew that were all absolutely impressed by their captain's abilities. They went on adventures for a brief period of time before Ace made a rash and crazy decision to challenge the Yonkou, Whitebeard.

Ace lost, despite his efforts and struggles. After all, he was a no name rookie, and there was no way he could match up to an old fart that had been at sea for, however many years old this geezer was.

Ace ended up joining Whitebeard's crew. And to his surprise, he found himself quite at home.

Something was still missing, however.

Something important.

That would truly let him "fit in".

What was it?

And Ace would soon be back on the hunt for Teach, or Blackbeard as he called himself these days, for committing an awful crime possible on a pirate ship.

Ace would also meet Luffy again after 3 years of being apart.

And again. Soon after.

Their fates seemed to intertwine with one another. 

And this was the final decision to make. One dies, and the other lives.


But there could never be Two Pirate Kings.

Because Ace realized he had chased the wrong thing.

How could he be so stupid? 

He wasn't even trying to fit in.

Luffy had been everything Ace wanted, a part of him, and also, his death.

Why would he need to find something that was right there all along?

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