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Pairings: AceLu
Level: Barely
Category: Angst
Type: Drabble


"He was quite dear to you, wasn't he?" Rayleigh boldly remarked one night, during dinner.

Luffy flinched and stopped eating. He suddenly lost his appetite and everything came rushing back to his head.

"Yeah." Luffy looked down and choked out a reply trying not to sound weak. He also forced himself to add on, "We used to train with each other all the time in the jungle, and fight animals for meals." Each word made his throat dry. He didn't dare say more for he knew he would break down all over again.

Rayleigh raised his eyebrows at the statement the young man had given him, "Very well. It looks like you've had some experience with wild creatures." He nodded, impressed, "Then I'm sure you'll do just fine here. It'll almost be the same."

Luffy said nothing as he stared blankly into the fire, like it had a soul, like it was Ace.

Pitiful memories, shredded into pieces and crushed by corrupted justice.


Almost. Which is exactly what he'd thought back then.

But almost isn't exact.

Ace died because of the almost.

It's not the same.

Because it would never be the same.

[OP] Of the Good and Bad / AceLu One shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now