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Level: Hinted/Little


It wasn't long after when Ace caught weird feelings. Feelings that tickled him, that pleasured him, that angered him, that confused him. Ace didn't like it one bit. Luffy was his little brother, and he didn't quite get why these feelings revolved around him. Ace decided that they would go away automatically, so he didn't put much thought into them.

However, ignoring these feelings just seemed to worsen his condition. Ace felt sick and feverish whenever Luffy got physical. Unlike before, just hugging Ace can get him all steamy.

Luffy wasn't much of a help either. He has always been a clingy little shit. But ever since Sabo set sail, Luffy's neediness only got worse, and there was no Sabo to split that between them. It was just Ace, and he definitely couldn't handle it by himself.

Ace wanted to know what was wrong with him. However, he felt that whatever it was, it must've been stupid. He thought it was embarrassing to be told to anyone. Ace did tell Luffy once, but it was like talking to a mirror. He was as clueless as Ace was, and it only worried him. In the end, Ace had to tell him it was a joke.

So he carried it with him. It hurt him, being confused. It hurt not telling. It hurt being curious. The 14 year old now had another serious question to ponder.

Ace groaned. He picked himself up from the blankets and slumped out of the little wooden cabin. He tried not to make any sounds as the floor clumsily creaked underneath. The boy sighed relaxingly once he made it out.

Ace put his hands in his pockets, and started to walk. He paused at a large rock which he had simply kicked out of the way. Ace stared at his shoes as he made his way onward.

It was early, around dawn, the sun did not rise, and it was as dark as twilight. Ace did not look at the sky. He stopped by a large river and sat himself down. Ace stared at his reflection. He wondered yet again if his existence was really necessary. After all, no one really needed him. As Dadan and many other people had said, he was indeed "The Devil's son", and there was no arguing about that.

The more Ace thought and stared, the more he wanted to disappear. His eye twitched and narrowed with fury. Why did it have to be this way? If his father was a damned criminal, why did he have to birth him just to drag him down? Why did both his parents leave him if they wanted to have him? Ace gritted his teeth and threw both of his shoes at the water with all his might. He aimed for his reflection and irked when it reappeared. It was a never ending cycle. He lost count of how many shoes that made. It certainly wasn't his first day coming here.

Ace loathed his father, wanted his mother, and absolutely resented himself. He was born into this world to be hated and it was all Roger's damned fault. The shoe throwing wasn't enough to depict his resentment. Ace snarled and pulled angrily at his hair. He wanted to feel the pain. But then he felt his hands being grabbed by somewhat chubby fingers. They held them firmly in place, away from his hair, and away from damaging himself further. Ace looked up. It was bright, the sunlight pierced his eyes and he winced. When he finally opened his eyes again, he saw who it was. It was Luffy.

Oh what timing that was! Ace's eyes widened as he stared at his little brother in shock. It was only dark a moment ago, and it seemed as if the sunlight had been Luffy's aura. The kid emitted positive energy with his sole presence. And unlike Ace, his existence made everything brighter and better.

Ace blinked in disbelief. He felt like crying, but he didn't want his little brother to think he was weak. How would Luffy expect to be safe if his older brother was a big crybaby? Ace wanted to be a responsible brother like he had promised, and he wasn't going to give in to a stupid emotion.

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