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A petite house fit for only one was owned by 3 brothers. Well, not until today.

Grown men, too. Two were 23, and their little brother would turn 20 in a month.

They have just moved into the town and had to live in a hotel for 5 days straight before Sabo had the time to find a suitable house.

So that said, the brothers have finally arrived at their new home.

"This is it, guys!" Sabo exhaled in relief, exiting the driver's seat. He took a moment to admire the nice house he'd just bought.

"Which one, the chair or the rocking horse?" Ace's voice came from behind him. Sabo shot him a glare.

"Great! Now, let's get in there already! I wanna see the inside!!" Luffy popped out in the space between them and rushed over to the door.

"Erm.. wrong house, Luffy." Sabo sweatdropped with a reply.

"Huh? Oh! Whoops, my bad." He sheepishly scratched the back of his head at the glance of the annoyed neighbour in the window. He backed off the stairs and ran toward their actual house.

Sabo shook his head and smiled. He walked toward the door, and Luffy, who was rocking himself on his feet in excitement.

Luffy nearly tumbled into the house the moment Sabo unlocked the door.

"Damn, it's small." Was all Ace could comment on the interior of the structure.

"If you've got nothing good to say, don't say it." Sabo responded. They continued to walk after Luffy, "Also, we've got only two bedrooms, so one of us has to sleep on the couch." Sabo smirked as he glanced at Ace, who was following them.

Ace returned the glance with a raised eyebrow, "What?"

Luffy leaped onto a king-sized bed, "I call this room!!" He shouted, words muffled by the mattress.

"I call the other room!" Sabo stood at the entrance.

"Woah, why'd you get that one??"

"Because I bought this house with my hard earned money. You should be glad I let you hobos stay. Sorry, Ace, it's the couch for you." Sabo grinned.

"Whatever." Ace crossed his arms unamusingly.

"Ace isn't sleeping on the couch!" Luffy frowned displeasingly, "Ace, you can sleep with me!"

Sabo was speechless. Ace grinned and nudged Sabo on the shoulder with a smirk. Then he dove into the bed, and the both of them sprawled themselves across it.

"If i forgot you two are mutually okay with this, and also in a erm.. relationship... two grown asses in a bed...Well," Sabo shrugged slightly, "Actually you know what?? This works."

Sabo probably wanted Ace ok the couch, though. Ace could tell from the glint in his eyes. He was about to say something regarding the topic, but some short attention span little brother interrupted.

"Oh wait, we haven't seen the living room!"

Ace and Sabo couldn't help but smile. The interruptions can be annoying sometimes but mostly, it was really cute.

As they walled down the hallway, Ace started to whistle a random song. Then something came across his mind.

"Hey Sabo, is this house completely new or pre-owned?"
"It was rented once, why?" Sabo turned around and asked in confusion.

"So is the furniture old?"

"Most likely not."

"And you sure that the bed can hold the both of us?"

"Barely," Sabo glanced at Ace, "But it should be fine. It won't break." As Sabo finished his sentence, an expression of horror was brought to his face.

Ace grinned, "Thanks."


"Alright guys, I want you two to behave, okay?" Sabo said, straightening his collar as he leered over at his brother's.

"Yeah, we know, we're not kids." Ace muttered as he lounged on the couch, crossing his feet as he sat backward. Luffy quickly jumped him, and both of them ended on the carpeted floor.

Sabo sucked in his lips and nodded in doubt, "I can tell."

"So where are you going so dressed up? Meeting with that girl again?" Ace smirked as he held Luffy still. The other also turned to look at Sabo.

The blonde rolled his eyes with an annoyed smile, "I'll be back later tonight." He grabbed his tophat and secured it to his head.

"Just spend the night with her! You don't needa worry 'bout us!" Ace called out as he watched Sabo close the door. He smirked and looked back at Luffy, "Don't worry, he definitely heard me."

Luffy snickered, still on top of Ace from the tackle, "So what are we gonna do while Sabo's out there with his date?"

Ace transitioned his gaze to the ceiling as he tried to think, then he smiled smugly at Luffy, "I dunno, play a little?"

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