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Pairings: AceLu
Level: Sweet (children)
Type: One shot
Rating: T (some swear words here and there)
Category: Angst?

The end is kinda crappy, I haven't updated in quite a while :D


"Thank you for loving me."

The first time Luffy saw his big brother take a lethal hit for him, shattered him into trillions of pieces.

Yes. First time. But it wasn't going to be the last unfortunately.

Luffy had decided to go back into the past to save Ace.

"Pirate King. You have everything in the world. Why would you want to go back to a time when you didn't?"

"I promised many people I would get here; and I've done it. But I also need to make things right. Bring me back right now."

"Your wish is my command. But keep in mind that nothing is going to change until you truly let go."

The Pirate King did not respond. He had waited so many painful years for this moment and he wasn't even going to think twice about his decision.

"I've made up my mind."

In an instant, everything blacked out.

And Luffy saw him again, his brother, Ace. Who also apparently decided that this was the moment to spit on the kid.

Luffy almost teared up at the familiar feeling. It was too familiar. This was when they first met!

Luffy then actually burst into tears before worshipping the spit his older brother had given him.

If Ace hadn't thought that the kid was weird, he definitely did now because Luffy was fucking kissing it like it was a gift from the heavens.

Ace slowly slid down from where he was sitting, hoping to get as far away from Luffy as possible.

Then out of nowhere Luffy jumped onto his brother's back and they both rolled off a hill.

"AEUGUAAHHH! G-GET OFF ME YOU SPIT LOVING FREAK!!" Ace was screaming the whole time. Luffy couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

And familiar events continued to roll on forward. Luffy enjoyed every single moment of being with Ace and Sabo. He swore he was going to save Sabo too in this life.

"Luffy.." Ace muttered almost indistinctly, "I love you." The boy stood stiff and still as he completed the sentence. It was this day! It was Valentine's Day where Ace had officially declared his feelings to Luffy.

Luffy recalled what he did before, he didn't know what Ace meant and just bluntly replied, "I love you too Ace!" Which totally threw the poor older boy off and they hadn't mentioned the word for the next 3 years or so.

Luffy smiled at the warm words. This time he stood on his toes to kiss Ace. (Luffy almost forgotten that Ace was like half a head taller than he was.)

And some time later, the two little boys ran off giggling at everything to resolve the rather awkward yet amazing moment they shared.

Familiar. Luffy thought. Beautiful.

But then Luffy lost track of time. And Sabo had been shot off his boat.

Luffy couldn't believe it. He was there to watch it this time too. The Celestial Dragon fired not one, but two unforgiving bullets at Sabo's little ship. He watched helplessly as his brother's hat wandered in the ocean waves. Luffy knew his brother was somewhere unconscious in the sea so he ran toward the boat to look for Sabo. But Dogra stopped him.

"Hey where do you think you're going?? There's a Celestial Dragon present! It's not safe to go, Luffy!" Dogra yelled as he grabbed Luffy's stretched arm, "Come back!! Damnit!"

Luffy stood on the dock and just stared at the torn up hat. It seemed to come in his direction as he picked it up from the water.

Sabo... he was gone again.

Luffy cried even though he knew his brother would be fine as Ace frustratingly consoled him. He failed to save Sabo again. But he knew he was going to save Ace from his death.

Then they grew up, had tons of fun in the jungle and played a lot of pranks before Ace turned 17.Ace had to leave for sea. Though Luffy got to spend his days with Ace a second time, he still missed him so bad. It hurt again, to see his brother leave without him.

"Ace!!! You gotta make a name for yourself so I can top it in three years!!" Luffy shouted at his older brother, who was preparing to take off.

Ace replied with a huge smile, "You bet Luffy, but you said it yourself, I'll still be three years ahead!"

Luffy grinned back cheekily, "Remember all your promises 'kay?" He yelled louder.

"I will, Luffy! Wait for my bounty poster, it's gonna come up real soon!" Ace shouted back just as loud, even though the both of them were only one foot away from each other.

"Okay bye Ace!!!" Luffy waved rapidly like a toddler saying goodbye to his playmate.

"Bye Luffy!!! See you in three years!" Ace waved back.

Luffy felt his heart jump when Ace's boat started to move. Slowly first, then picking up the pace. Only his orange hat and well shaped figure in sight. And then he was out of sight.

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