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Pairings: AceLu 
Type: Drabble/OneShot
Category: Brotherly Angst


It was said that everyone was born for a reason. Existed for a purpose.

But Ace didn't quite believe that.

In his life, there was nothing but resentment. Hate toward his bloodline, hate towards him.


Then why was he born?

Ace didn't hate his father for his crimes. He could care less about what the man did for a living.
He hated him for bringing Ace into the world. Without a purpose, an explanation. Nothing.

What the hell was he living for? What was the point?

The confusion and mixed thoughts swirled in his head. It hurt, it was too much for a little boy like him. Devil or not, a kid was a kid.

And the world pushed him to understand what he didn't.

Then one day he caught a glimpse of a little boy Garp brought with him.

It was Garp's grandson.

The innocence of his mischievous little smile irritated Ace.

How spoiled the kid must be. Grandson of the hero of marines.

How happy he must be.

How lucky.

How.. loved.

Ace hated how curious his big eyes were, and how he only grinned and waddled around. No wonders, no worries.

He looked so stupid. Dumb. Weak. Annoying.

Without a second thought, Ace wrinkled his nose and spat right on his face.

That's right. Now he's angry and ordering for Ace to apologize. Brat.

To his surprise, the dumb kid forgave him the very next day and started to chase him around. So Ace tried to get rid of him every time.

He wasn't connected to Ace in any way. He wasn't his problem. And it certainly didn't matter if he died.

Because it would be his own fault! Ace had never met a kid who couldn't take a hint of danger. The word couldn't even get into his peanut sized brain.

The kid was awfully stupid but also the most persistent. Which was why Ace and his friend, Sabo ended up saving him and somehow became brothers all together.

That day, Ace found out why Luffy followed him around.

He wasn't like how Ace imagined at all.
His smile made it so hard to read him properly. Not like there was anything deep that he could read.

But he was alone. Just like Ace. No parents.. just Garp, who doesn't even come to visit unless absolutely necessary. For his stupid training of course.

The boy reminded Ace so much of himself, yet he was also so different. Did he mention they both have the same middle initial?

Luffy was different. He wasn't hated, and didn't hate anyone. He held no grudges.

Even though Luffy was unaffected, Ace could only imagine how shitty his parents must be for leaving him with Garp.

Maybe their parents were similar, but based on what he heard, there was no one that could possibly match up to Ace's father's definition of "shitty".

Sabo told Luffy about Ace's father and Ace completely lashed out on the both of them. It was strange. What was he afraid of? That Luffy wouldn't look up to him anymore because he was the son of such a disgusting man?

Luffy didn't mind at all. He was more than okay with it actually. His onyx eyes lit up and thought it was "super duper cool". But Luffy was dumb! He wouldn't understand a thing. It wasn't like his dad was a wanted criminal that everyone hated.

Mount Corvo had become a foster home and a training place for the three young boys. And day by day they only grew closer with stronger bonds of friendship and connected deeply through their brotherhood.

Ace still wasn't used to the warmth Luffy naturally radiated. It was bright. So bright.

Like the sun. Luffy reminded Ace of the sun.
Welcoming, beautiful, and smiling so wide...

There was this strong feeling of responsibility whenever Luffy was around him.The need to keep him safe, and protected from all evil. Even if it meant taking the hits of the cruel world.

Because it was Luffy. There was a need for him. Luffy seemed to be needing him.

And the young Ace was dying to piece his life together. Trying to pick up the long scattered parts and figure something out.

Though at the time, he couldn't exactly pinpoint what he was searching for.

Ace was brought back to the present as he felt his back burn, literally, with indescribable pain. Ouch. He grimaced. It hurt like hell.

But it was okay, because at that moment Ace knew for sure.

He was here, to take care of Luffy until he can manage, by himself.

The doubts that had filled his head washed away.
He was free. From his grudges, his worries, and regrets.

A final smile marked satisfaction, he had found and fulfilled his purpose.

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