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Pairing: Acelu

Type: Drabble
Category: ANGST (I'm so sorry. I will deffos make more fluff soon.. hahaha..)


Luffy sat cross legged on the top of the Sunny's head.

The waves crashed onto the boat, roaring with anguish and sadness, much like how he felt tonight. Every night.

It was unjust. Ace's death.

To this day he didn't understand why he died.
And to this day, he relived every single second from two years ago.

It pained him, so much.

Sometimes he'd cry, other times he'd stare into space and let the flames of anger burn him up.

The last moments of Ace's life were way too early.

Luffy hadn't even gotten a chance to tell him what he'd missed;

How strong he had gotten since he set sail.
How he could use haki.
How Sabo was still alive.

The untold tales made Luffy feel sick. It had always been Ace he'd tell his stories to.

He missed the hair ruffling from the familiar calloused hands of his older brother.

He missed how he'd tease him and make fun of him, yet still be so encouraging.

Ace was so special to Luffy, and there was just nothing and no one that could replace him.

Luffy always had a habit of rambling on and on. Not to everyone though. He would only talk that much to people he actually liked. He'd talk to Shanks, Makino, his crew members, Usopp, and so on.

But something made Ace stand out.

Luffy would share every itty-bitty thing he saw, did, and planned, to his older brother. It was intentional, and it wasn't, at the same time.

There was something else, like a feeling, that connected Luffy with Ace, that he didn't figure out until way later.

He figured it out too late.

Now he wasn't there to hear about Luffy's growth. It didn't feel right. It wasn't right.

Subconsciously, Luffy felt his anger charging into his fist.

Ace..Why the hell did he have to die..

He promised. He broke it.

And every memory of Luffy's with Ace played in his mind like a slideshow, looping endlessly.

Why is it that you cherish the little moments with someone only after they're gone from your life?

Luffy wanted to tell Ace everything. Even if he only could say a limited amount of things.

But would it even be possible to tell Ace all of his adventures and feelings in just a few words?

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