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"What?" Ace raises a brow at the goofy smile his little brother had on his face, "What's it?" He clarified as he felt the contagious expression pull at his mouth.

Luffy finished his meat for the first day at Rusukaina. Rayleigh had demonstrated beforehand how to hunt animals for dinner. Now Luffy was just staring at his older brother without explanation.

"What're you smiling about, huh?" Ace chuckled as he tossed his finished bone aside and into the fire. He returned the gaze, catching every detail of the younger teen.

"I'm just happy, Ace," Luffy finally said. Then, he proceeded to lean onto Ace's shoulder, scooching over for two fully bandaged bodies to snuggle against each other.

Ace smiled slightly, "About?" He felt his hand going up to the younger's hair and gently running his fingers through it, softly untangling any knots from the unruly black hair.

"About everything," Luffy made it his moment to enjoy their closeness and never let go, "Hey, Ace."

His older brother closed his eyes as he rested his head on Luffy's, "N?"

"Will you... please join my crew?" Luffy murmured sincerely, his heartbeat quickened at his own question, and the wait for Ace's response.

Ace let out another one of his rumbling chuckles, "Ah, this again?"

Luffy nodded, his head still on Ace's shoulder as he anticipated for the definite 'no' from him.

"I'll think about it," Ace's reply caught Luffy completely off guard, causing his eyes to shoot open while he sat up straight.

Luffy carefully asked, "Okay... when, when will you come up with an answer?"

"How about after training? I think by then we'd have enough time to decide."

Upon hearing this, Luffy was both excited and disappointed at the same time. He was excited that Ace would consider joining his crew, but disappointed that it wasn't something Ace could just say yes to right away.

He still respected his decision.

Luffy beamed, "Fair. I guess I'll just have to convince you well enough then!" Saying this, he gave Ace a quick peck on the cheek.

Ace's slightly shocked expression did not last for long as he smiled, "Good luck, little brother."

"Let's go hunt ginormous crocodile!!"  Luffy stood up and declared, pointing to the jungle.

Ace laughed as he stood up too, placing a hand on Luffy's shoulder, "Alright! Can't wait to challenge a tiger five times our size again!"

Luffy turned his head toward his older brother, "With you." He exhaled softly.


[OP] Of the Good and Bad / AceLu One shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now