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From the day he was born, Ace was cursed.

Cursed to be alone. Forever. 

It wasn't specifically anything he did. It wasn't even his father nor mother's fault. Ace was cursed, and that was why they called him the Devil's son.

Ace himself knew. 
There was nothing that could help him.

And so naturally, a thick glass wall formed around him. He shoved anyone who got close to him away. Behind him. To stand in front. It was what he did to protect them. 

And no matter how strong Luffy was, how hard Luffy banged on that glass wall with all his might. It wouldn't work. It couldn't work.

Ace was cursed. It was already a miracle he lived this long. Luffy had a huge effect on him. But the wall was unbreakable. 

No one could save Ace.

It was a curse.

And it still broke Luffy apart.

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