
54 3 6

Type: Oneshot
Category: Crack/Fluff
Pairing: AceLu if you squint


Luffy stupidly sat on the ground, paralyzed, as he watched Akainu's magma fist dart toward him at a monstrous speed.

Ace tensed as he rushed over to his little brother. He had to protect him. And he did, as he died for him.

He looked at him sorrowfully, whatever was left of his insides, twisted and aching beyond the physical pain. Luffy couldn't even bring himself to look back at him, being more traumatized than ever.

Ace felt a wave of relief wash over him as he knew his brother was out of danger.

But seeing how distressed he looked made Ace feel guilty.

Because he could no longer protect him.

And this was the last time he could.

And he didn't even know if Luffy was completely out of danger.

All he could see was a void, nothing, alone, and no Luffy.

Ace shook his head and opened his eyes again. He found himself still charging toward Akainu to stop his punch. Had he travelled back in time?

No, it was haki. Kenbunshoku haki.

But Ace knew what he was going to do. He wanted to protect Luffy longer, to be by his side longer, to love him longer.

He wasn't about to die.

And Luffy wasn't either.

Ace quickly grabbed Akainu's fist with both of his hands, shielding Luffy from the deadly blow. The admiral's shock quickly faded into a glare on his face before he pushed him back. Ace held his stance even though his hands were burning up slowly by the magma.

"I won't.. let you.." Ace started to say under his breath, firmly grabbing Akainu's fist with one hand, and a random burst of strength, "Near Luffy!!" He yelled as his voice cracked with anger. And the world would feel yet another powerful conqueror, all in a short time period. Though this one didn't care for anything but his little brother.

"Ace..." Luffy whimpered as he started to tear up. Then Luffy felt something burning in his hands, it was Ace's vivre card! Crap, it was burning slowly, but surely. Luffy's eyes darted flashing quick over to Ace's struggle with Akainu.

"Ace! Stop now, your hands..! They're burning up, we need to get out of here now!" Luffy stood up and shouted, pulling his older brother by his strong waist.

Ace glanced slightly over at Luffy and then back at the admiral, who wasn't giving up, "Fine then. Get out of here Luffy!" Ace replied back as he tried to get Akainu out of the way.

"I'm not letting any of you pirates escape from your fates! You've chosen to be criminals and criminals die!" Akainu narrowed his eyes and retorted.

Ace felt his hand burning up fast, his powers could not hold the overly hot magma that was ready to inhale his arm whole, "Damn it..!" He cursed, "Luffy hurry up!"

Luffy nodded, and aimed a punch to Akainu's face, "Gum gum and pistol!" He screamed, and threw his fist at the admiral. However his hand went right through.

"Crap, Luffy he's a logia!" Ace cried out in frustration, "Quick take your damned hand out of his face, he's gonna burn you up too!"

"Darn it, he's like Crocodile!" Luffy muttered as he retracted his arm in disappointment.

"Damn these troublemakers." Marco grumbled from a distance as he was still chained up.

"Ugh fuck this stupid sea prism stone!!" He grunted a complaint for the millionth time, "Haruta, Vista!! Go help the idiots, they're about to die!" The phoenix yelled as loud as he could, hoping his fellow commanders would hear his call.

"Was that Marco?" Haruta asked as he kicked a marine to the side.

"It sure was, looks like we have an urgent job." Vista replied, blocking more marines away with his sword, "No time to waste!"

Both swordsmen dashed as quickly as they could get through the waves of crowded marine soldiers. Until they could finally see them.

"Shit I can't really... hold him much longer!!" Ace sneered, beads of sweat trailing down his face as he tried his best.

Luffy was desperately throwing anything he could find at Akainu, "Stupid lava guy! Let go of Ace! Stop hurting him! You bastard!" He screamed, throwing literal rocks at the admiral.

"That's enough pirate playing for the both of you. You're lucky I felt generous enough to let you live this long." Akainu said sternly, raising his other fist, "Now time to perish along with all your filthy friends."

Ace frantically tried to push Luffy away, but the stubborn boy had his arms encircled around him, clinging to him like glue. Akainu hurled his fist at the both of them.

"Not so fast!" Two voices called out, followed by a loud sword clashing sound. Luffy opened an eye to find two commanders of the Whitebeards.

A huge grin appeared on his face, "Hey it's you—"

His sentence was interrupted when both Haruta and Vista pushed Akainu's fist off of their swords, shoving him back a few steps. As Akainu was sent, both Luffy and Ace got tangled up and tumbled away from the impact, neither of them letting go of each other.

"Ace you're okay now!!" Luffy shouted in relief as he cried into his brother's chest.

"Hey, mugiwara right?" Vista looked to Luffy over his shoulder, "Take care of our little brother, and keep him safe yeah?"

Luffy nodded repeatedly, "Shishishi will do!"

Ace frowned and rolled his eyes. Both of them quickly sat up and started to run.

Luffy kept crying the entire time they were fighting, and on Law's submarine.

"Luffy I'm alive and okay, why are you still crying?" Ace sighed as he soothed his little brother yet again.

"Cuz.. cuz I thought you'd lose your arm..! I thought you'd end up like Shanks..!" Luffy huffed and sobbed quietly. Then he started to wail.

Ace was dumbfounded by his answer and couldn't help the reflex of bringing a fist to his head, "You idiot!" He yelled. But he regretted doing that as he found himself stroking Luffy's hair gently to calm his stupid little brother down. It was too much after all.

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