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Level: MAJOR!

Pairing: AceLu
Type: Drabble
Category: Angst
Rating: T (Slight, for mentions of pseudoincest, sex, etc)


As soon as Ace's soulless eyes met Luffy's, there was no going back.

Luffy followed him everywhere until he gave in.
No going back.

Ace raised his bowl of sake in the air.
No going back.

Letting Luffy have a shoulder to cry on over Sabo's abrupt death.
No going back.

Swearing to become pirates at 17.
No going back.

Joining Whitebeard's crew as the Second Division Commander.
No going back.

The needy whimpers and whines that Luffy made throughout.
No going back.

Ace pulled out of Luffy's leaking hole.
No going back.

Captured and thrown into Impel Down.
No going back.

Hearing that his only light infiltrated the prison just for him.No going back.

Seeing his only light, his brother, his beloved, shine, so brightly directly at him. No intent of escaping. Ever. Until he was safe. Right through the dull gray, right into Ace, bringing him such familiar warmth.

Tears. Coming down. So many.

But it was going to be alright. Because the only person he wanted to be with no matter how underserved he felt he was himself, had caught him, when he was falling. Into his arms, shaking, trembling, unsteady, but firm.

It didn't matter how many times they caught each other. This was the only time, that was truly important.

He was thankful for the timing.

Thankful for having a family.Thankful for having love.

Thankful for having Luffy.

Both brothers guided each other through the darkest times. As much as they could, as me as possible.

And Ace learned to forgive himself slowly.

Because there was no going back.

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