
665 14 3

Level: Hinted/Little


Luffy's stomach let out a loud roar, so loud that it woke the little boy up. He rubbed his eyes to see a figure standing by their deck in the hideout.

"Ace?" He yawned through his words, "That you-?"

There was no response. He watched for a minute as the wind blew on his hair and shirt.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" Luffy's sudden appearance made Ace jump a little.

Ace glanced at his little brother, who was half a head shorter than him, then back at the sky. He didn't respond to the question.

Luffy blinked, then he also shifted his view to the sky. It was all quiet for one moment before Luffy said again, "What are we lookin' at?"

Ace groaned. He knew that if he didn't answer the kid's question then he would never stop talking. After all, Luffy did have a bad habit of rambling.

"The sky," He replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Fog and stars, do I need to explain what colour it is too?" Ace was a bit irritated as he continued on.

Luffy smiled, "I think I'm good."

"Sure you are." Ace scoffed, absentmindedly.

Luffy was about to argue further, but for once, he decided to pretend he didn't hear it. Instead, he finally thought it was a good idea to find out himself, what exactly Ace was doing.

It was one very foggy night. Still, the chilly summer breeze brushed against their skin. Luffy closed his eyes with a wide grin.

"Luffy." Ace was still staring at the sky, with his arms crossed on top of the rim he was leaning in on.

"Yeah?" Luffy's eyes were still shut, he was barely paying attention to enjoy the feeling.

"Do you think that a famous criminal's son should live in this world?"

Luffy's eyes shot open and he turned to his big brother.

Before he could reply, Ace continued, "Do you think, I'll turn as bad as him?" He looked down and clenched his fists tightly. A hand rested gently on one of them, which surprised him.

"Ace," Luffy said, with a semi-serious look on his face, "Ya know.. I honestly think it's cool that you're the son of the King of Pirates. I heard he was a great, awesome, strong, and brave man! Shanks told me, he was on his crew so he'll never lie about that! And I look up to him!"

Luffy squeezed Ace's fist softly, "But he has nothing to do with how cool I think you are!"

Ace was shocked at how sincere Luffy was on this matter. He stared at Luffy for a while before letting out a chuckle.

"Can't believe you of all people can be so.. serious. This is nothing like your idiot airhead self." He joked, "It's like Sabo is possessing you. Well, kind of." Ace watched in amusement as his little brother got all pouty.

"I'm not an airhead! Or an idiot!" Luffy protested sternly. Ace just laughed. He turned back to look at the stars. The heavy fog had cleared up, and now the brightly lit full moon was in sight.

Luffy felt Ace's hand relaxing slowly, and his older brother's strong fingers gently cross with his. The arms drop from the railing and they were now holding each other's hands, smiling wide.

"I love you Ace," Luffy repeated for his older brother to hear.

Ace replied, still grinning, "You know, it'll take a lot of those to get your big brother to live." He  admitted, teasingly.

"What, 'I love you' s?" Luffy asked.

Ace nodded.

"That's fine! As long as we are together, then I will shower you with a lottttt of love!" Luffy beamed warmly.

Ace really liked the idea. "Ick! You're so cheesy Luffy," He liked to see his brother angry, "Where are you gonna get that love from?"

"Dunno!" Luffy was clueless about where love originated, "But I know I'll give it to you, all of it!!"

"Then I'll make sure I give you more! I'm not losing to a little wimp like you at something as easy as this!"

"I'll give you a hundred each day!" Luffy's head butt in against Ace's.

"I'll give you a thousand each day!" Ace pushed his little brother's head back with his own.

"I'll give you ten hundred!" Luffy was back at it.

"That's equal to a thousand, stupid!"

"Really? THEN-" Luffy started to say.

"I'll give you INFINITE. End of discussion!" Ace pulled his head away from Luffy's and crossed his arms.

"This isn't over! I'll give you-" Luffy was not giving up.

"I'm not the smartest but I know for a fact that infinity is the biggest number in the universe. So anything you say will be less than that!!" Ace assured Luffy.

"THEN THEN-!" Luffy paused, he thought for a bit, "I'll just have to give you kisses until you give in!! Like this one!" With that, Luffy pecked  softly at Ace's cheek.

Ace froze. His face went a little red.

"Ace?" Luffy must have seen his face.

"Shut up, shut up Luffy!" Ace panicked as he tried to recollect himself, "God you're so damn embarrassing!"

Luffy frowned, "So you don't like it?"

No. He loved it. He wants so much more of it.

"You- Are you seriously asking me that right now?? What do you think?? What the heck was that?!" Ace was terribly nervous.

Luffy snickered, "Gotcha, big bro! Kisses it is then."

"LUFFY." Ace was more than just embarrassed, his face flushed crimson as Luffy giggled.


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