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Pairings: None, ASL Trio (AceLu if you squint super hard)
Type: NEW: Sketched out One shot! (LMK IF YOU WANT MORE OF THESE)
Category: Angst

I drew some lil' things in here, tell me if you like 'em.


Some may call it the devil's luck, but really, it's all just confidence.

Everything Luffy did, from unreasonable to life saving stuff, had been automatically tolerated by anyone around him. 

Maybe it's because he cancelled the unreasonable things out by saving his friends and family. Maybe that's why they can't say much about whatever he did.

He wasn't rich, but Luffy was indeed, spoiled.

And spoiled he was.

Even he himself knew that.

It's unnatural not to spoil Luffy. He can make anyone like him. 

And that applied to the bitter, and cold-hearted pirate prince that wanted nothing to do with him, as he already had a painful load on his own plate.

How does Luffy make someone like that turn into someone that'd love this lovable little brat?

Easy. Just be Luffy. It always worked, just a matter of time before people would fall for it.

And Ace fell hard. 

Because if you add love into anyone carrying the Will of D, oh boy are they passionate.

Befriending Ace also meant that Luffy would befriend the boy that tagged along with him, Sabo. He said he lived in Gray Terminal.

And that's where it started-- The three sworn brothers; the first strong trio of the worst generation, and if they were going to stay that way until they got older, saying the world was no doubt going to end would be an understatement.

And that's where it started-- The three sworn brothers; the first strong trio of the worst generation, and if they were going to stay that way until they got older, saying the world was no doubt going to end would be an understatement

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And Luffy wanted it to stay forever that way. Just the three of them with crews, becoming pirates, smooth sailing.. and beating up bad guys if necessary.

 and beating up bad guys if necessary

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Everything was great. Luffy loved being pampered by both of his older brothers. They were glad to have each other, glad to be able to stick around, glad they were all needed.

[OP] Of the Good and Bad / AceLu One shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now