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Pairing: Slight AceLu
Category: Hurt/Comf?
Type: Drabble


Ace trailed his finger in the loose, sand-like dirt. Without much of a thought, he began making strokes here and there, until he was drawing. Ace stopped. Did he just draw Luffy in the ground??

He paused to observe it for a moment, then he quickly wiped the strokes away with his hand, feeling like a total moron.

Now Ace saw Luffy everywhere, in everything. He couldn't not see Luffy in everything he saw and did.

Ace thought he'd never be able to feel such a thing in his rotten self and beat up heart.

"Is it okay.. to even feel happiness?"

Ace thought he'd never deserve Luffy to be by his side, giving him hope of all kinds.

"Is it really okay.. to love..?"

And Ace thought he'd never be capable of something so deep and beautiful.

"Would it be alright to live..? If I wanted to... for Luffy?" Ace asked himself, as he looked back at his little brother, leaning on his shoulder in deep slumber.

"Sabo, I've made quite a big decision today," Ace started, as he looked up at the night sky, "I've decided, that I'd give life a shot.. I guess."

[OP] Of the Good and Bad / AceLu One shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now