
55 2 2

Pairing: AceLu 
Type: Real Drabble
Category: Angst??

Soz it's real shit, I'm so busy these days TwT


He just pushes, and pushes everyone away.

So bitterly cruel at times, trying to cover up for his guilt, his internal conflict. Though it may not seem like so, a great deal of patience was required to get close to him.

That being said, no one could put up with him.

And even Luffy was losing it.

"Ace! I thought we already went over this! We're brothers, best of friends, and even lovers! Why can't you learn to appreciate yourself as much as I do?"

But Luffy stayed with him. Even when he was unreasonably down. And even though there didn't seem like much of a change, Ace was affected. By Luffy's kindness, by his supportiveness.

"Maybe I couldn't love myself. Because I gave all that love to you."

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