
183 5 7

Pairings: None
Type: Drabble
Category: Wholesomeness

(This chapter will basically be about how Luffy named his first son Ace. The mother is not relevant!)

No this is not LawLu.


A 30 year old Pirate King paced back and forth as he waited in the lobby. He wasn't worried. In fact, Luffy trusted the Surgeon of Death fully at his job. Thank god Law and him were chummy, because he definitely wasn't a friendly guy who would just deliver babies for free. Not that Luffy was even aware of that.

It had been a couple of hours and Luffy was more than just impatient. He sat on a stool with nothing but a huge bowl of turkey legs to accompany him. He did have his friends with him, but they were all disallowed to come in.

"Kid's out, Luffy-ya. Would you like to see him?" Law came out of the operating room after a bit to break the news to the young man.

"Luffy's eyes widened with excitement and gave the surgeon a bear hug. His rubbery arms wrapped around him like a tight rope as the angry man squirmed in his embrace.

"It's a boy by the way, congrats, straw hat-ya. Be gentle, don't drop him." Law warned with a emotionless look on his face, as he roughly pushed the other away.

"Thank you Torao!! You're the best!" Luffy shouted out before dashing in. He was out of sight in seconds.

"An absolute overgrown idiot," The surgeon of death crossed his arms and walked away from the room, "Still the same damn kid from 13 years ago." Law smiled and shook his head as he muttered his breath.

The world became bright as Luffy held the child in his arms. He laughed and the little one giggled back. His bare feet danced around in the hot sand and he felt like the happiest person there existed.

And his entire crew greeted him outside. They've brought tons of presents and gifts to congratulate the father and son. A wide range of emotions appeared among the little group. From crying and cheering, to tall tales and skeleton jokes..? Well. Okay. But everyone wanted to get a good look and a hug.

"Slow down guys! Torao told me not to drop him!" Luffy said, his words did not correspond with his lazy smile and jolly laugh as he watched the newborn being passed around like a hot potato.

"Yeah alright, Luffy, you know you're the only one that we're worried about here if anyone's gonna drop a baby." Nami remarked, smugly glaring at the younger adult. He only laughed harder in response. The entire crew followed.

Luffy looked at the boy, and he was more than delighted at what he saw.

Double eyelids. Freckles. Even the barely there hair of the infant appeared to be quite curly.

"Captain-san, who is our little champion?" Robin pushed up her glasses with a smile. Luffy returned it, without looking up.

The fearlessness and spirit of the warrior Luffy admired for the longest time, even longer than Shanks, shall be passed on through his name.

It was perfect.

Monkey D. Ace.

[OP] Of the Good and Bad / AceLu One shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now