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Pairing: Acelu
Level: Mildish?
Category: Angst
Type: One shot

Forgive me, I do NOT beta read.


Luffy's POV (it's so hard to write help)

Ace and I were close. So close. Too close. But amazing.

Ace is my light. He was my motivation.

We were inseparable for the next 7 years of our lives.

Ace had to set sail. He needed to fulfill our promise to Sabo. I really, really wanted to go with him, but I knew I wasn't strong enough.

Too many things. Too many things I wanted to tell him.But I'll wait.

Now it is my turn to head out, get a cool crew and an impressive bounty! And reunite with Ace!Ace was going on all sorts of adventures! I couldn't wait to exchange our stories in front of the legendary treasure of the world together.

The One Piece was the world's treasure.

And Ace was mine.

Though Ace wasn't physically there to laugh at and help me on my way out; He was, in a way.I can't really explain it, but I really, really look up to him. He's so great. So cool.

I got a nice crew of my own. Really good guys, just no musician yet... we're on our way!

Then I met Ace. I met Ace again!

He came out of nowhere and saved me from Smokey. 

"Hey Luffy, guess I still gotta fish your butt out of the water, huh?" Ace's muscular, tattooed back was facing me but I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"ACE!!" My eyes were gonna pop out. My brother has always been cool, but now he's got fire powers, and he's also rocking his outfit. I couldn't stop watching the smoke and flames clash together, burst, then again. It was a wild sight!

I didn't realize I got lost until I bumped into a barrel behind me. I didn't know I could get lost, I guess I did anyway, since not even Zoro was in sight.

Thankfully, Ace found me, "Guess letting you run away isn't any use." He leaped from the building and gave me a noogie on the head like he always had. Even though it has been 3 years since he did that, it felt just like old times.

I couldn't resist the wide grin. I could feel my eyes sparkle as they met Ace's.

"You haven't changed a bit, Luffy!" Ace exclaimed, pulling at my rubber face. My brows narrowed but I still smiled. Same strong hand as I remembered.

"Well you haven't either!" I snickered a reply and playfully pushed his hand away.We automatically started to arm wrestle, and I swear I was about to win but the barrel had to break underneath. Damnit!

"Guess we both haven't changed!" Ace took my hand in a brotherly handshake. I reciprocated."Heh. Just like old times!" I responded happily.

I introduced Ace to my crew and they were.. shocked? I dunno why, but they had weird faces and expressions like they didn't believe me.

I was so excited when Ace decided to tag along with us for a bit. Still, I wanted him to stay longer, like join our crew! But he said he didn't want to because of some old man called Whitebeard.

Too many things I wanted to tell him. But I never got the chance.
I guess I'll wait a little more then.

And I still need to figure out what to tell him, that's gotta be important, ne?

Soon Ace had to leave. I played cool. Because I was a captain now and captains don't cry like babies because their big brother is leaving. Do they? Probably not.

Ace tossed me a piece of paper, "Here Luffy, catch!"

I caught the fluttery little square. There was nothing on it. What was this thing?? "Huh? It's blank?"

Ace frowned, "You don't want it?"

"No!" I said quickly, I held onto it tight, "I want it. But what's it for?"

"It'll help us reunite again someday. When we get to the top." Ace replied. I nodded and listened, I studied the little square of paper again.

"Promise me, next time we meet, we'll both be infamous pirates, Luffy, me and you!" Ace took out his hand. I wanted to tackle him meters into the sand with a hug, but I kept myself from doing that, somehow.

"Okay!! I will! Bye Ace!!" I squeezed his hand and he squeezed it back. He tilted his hat and then he was gone.

I knew we'd meet againBut not in the worst way possible.

It was my fault. I didn't go check up on Ace sooner. The little paper he gave me months ago, it was a vivre card and even Lola told me that Ace was in danger back at Thriller Bark.

I didn't listen.

And Ace was in hell for that long.

My big brother now knelt high on an unreachable scaffold, cuffed in sea prism stone and two men were ready to pierce their swords through his flesh.

Ace was so far away. But I could still see a path. A clear path.


Nothing mattered as long as I could get Ace out of this place. He can't die yet, I still have much to say, much to tell!!

I lost my crew.

But I won't lose Ace.

And he's free, Ace is free!!

My heart loosened but ached again when I remembered the months of torture my strong big brother had endured. All because of my carelessness.

Ace's hand held mine firmly as we slid down a slide of beautiful flames. Fire really suits Ace. He looks so good. Even though he had been suffering, he was still so strong, so cool.

We fought waves of marines as Old man Whitebeard's crew cleared the way for our escape.

I was so excited.

Ace was finally getting out of here.


..What did I do wrong....?

I screamed for his name. I shrieked for my big brother to come back. And I bawled my eyes out, hoping for Ace to come beat me up for being a crybaby.

He couldn't die, he just couldn't die!

There was still.. too much.... Too many things, I had to tell him.Too many things left unsaid.

And too many things I would never be able to do..

Because Ace....

No, I waited.

Why did I wait..?

"If only I figured out sooner..." I sobbed, "I love you Ace, I always had... since we were kids."  It's my fault. My voice creaked at how long the feeling has been there. Without being accepted, or even told to him.

But I knew that he would never be able to hear that, nor be able to reply.

And so many things I wanted to say, so many stories I wanted to tell, so many complaints to him about the events that occurred on my journey.

None of it will be able to come out. And it was a fact that keeping it inside would only create more scars until my heart rots to the core. Ace would hear none of it.

Never again.

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