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Pairings: None, Brotherly
Type: Drabble?

Category: ASL Angst


Sometimes Luffy would wonder what it would be like if his brother had joined his crew. Or maybe if he joined his. 

How unstoppable they would be, just like old times.
The two of them against the world.

But it was actually three. Ace, Sabo, and Luffy.

Luffy had two older brothers, he loved them dearly just as much as they loved him.

Three lights in the dark, glowing with such bold and dominant colours.
Each told a separate, yet original story of hardship and determination, never giving up or backing down.

So by that logic, they would never be able to settle down on the same crew.

But Luffy always imagined what it would be like, from the very beginning, when he was 7. 

If both his big brothers fought with him side by side.

And what if there was no captain? Just the three of them and a crew?
Teamwork was what made them strong when they were younger, it wouldn't be any different now.

But there was no now. There was no future. There was nothing.

Because the red and blue light that had been shielding Luffy all along, went out, so abruptly.

It was Luffy and the dark. And Luffy hated the dark.
He hated being alone. Being alone was awful.

Would things end up like this if they were together?
Would Sabo die if they set sail together?
Would Ace lose to Blackbeard if they were together?

What is considered an if will forever remain an if.

The only answer to his questions was that they were too weak. All three of them. Not strong enough, not smart enough.


That's the world. That's what they call justice, what they preserve.

To crush the dreams of everyone seeking and yearning to be free.

They crushed Sabo.
They crushed Ace.

And now they were going to crush Luffy.


Sabo and Ace were never crushed! Sabo died for his dream, and so did Ace.

Luffy was not going to let his dream die for him too. Because he now carried the dreams of both his big brothers.

Strength, integrity, perseverance.
Passion, determination, and hope.

Together. At last.
The three of them, they were together.

Luffy never felt so close in his life. So close to them.

"Ace.. Sabo.." Luffy stood up, "We may not be on the same crew but we're all gonna be the Pirate King!"

He smiled and welcomed the warm breeze, "Together." He whispered.

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